This is a tiny Rust implementation written to understand primary lookup tables in ZKP. This implementation is not secure and is intended solely for my practice purposes. It doesn't support the commitment scheme, and focus on the operations of polynomials.
- Plookup: Implements the plookup protocol using univariate polynomials.
- Logup: Implements the logup protocol based on the sumcheck protocol. It doesn't support for the GKR protocol yet.
: Implements basic arithmetic operations on finite
: Provides functionality for creating and manipulating univariate
: Implements the plookup protocol using univariate
: Handles multivariate polynomials required for the sumcheck
: Implements the sumcheck protocol, a fundamental component of the logup
: Implements the logup protocol based on the sumcheck protocol.
plookup: A simplified polynomial protocol for lookup tables
Multivariate lookups based on logarithmic derivatives