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[temp] Temporary PR to observe diff between working and main branches #153

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vaibhav-yb and others added 30 commits March 18, 2024 15:26
Initial changes required for the Debezium Connector for Postgres to work with YugabyteDB source.
…st YugabyteDB (#105)

This PR includes the changes required for the tests so that they can
work against YugabyteDB.

YugabyteDB issue: yugabyte/yugabyte-db#21394
Modified Dockerfile to package custom so that the log
files can be rolled over when their size exceeds 100MB.

Also changed the Kafka connect JDBC jar being used - this new jar has a
custom change to log every sink record going to the target database.
Changes in this PR:
1. Modification of Dockerfile to include transformers for aiven at the
time of docker image compilation
a. Aiven source:
…BC driver (#107)

## Problem

The Debezium connector for Postgres uses a single host model where the
JDBC driver connects to a PG instance and continues execution. However,
when we move to YugabyteDB where we have a multi node deployment, the
current model can fail in case the node it has connected to goes down.

## Solution

To address that, we have made changes in this PR and replaced the
Postgres JDBC driver with [YugabyteDB smart
driver]( which allows us to specify
multiple hosts in the JDBC url so that the connector does not fail or
run into any fatal error while maintaining the High Availability aspect
of YugabyteDB.

Changes in this PR include:
1. Changing of version in `pom.xml` from `2.5.2.Final` to
a. This is done to ensure that upon image compilation, the changed code
from Debezium Code is picked up.
2. Replacing of all packages from `org.postgresql.*` to `com.yugabyte.*`
to comply with the new JDBC driver.
3. Masking the validator method in debezium-core which disallowed
characters like `: (colon)` in the configuration property
This PR is to support consistent snapshot in the case of an existing

In this case, the consistent_point hybrid time is determined from the
pg_replication_slots view, specifically from the yb_restart_commit_ht

There is an assumption here that this slot has not been used for
streaming till this point. If this holds, then the history retention
barrier will be in place as of the consistent snapshot time
(consistent_point). The snapshot query will be run as of the
consistent_point and subsequent streaming will start from the
consistent_point of the slot.

**Test Plan**
Added new test
mvn -Dtest=PostgresConnectorIT#initialSnapshotWithExistingSlot test
1. Providing JMX Exporter jar to KAFKA_OPTS to be further provided to
java options.
2. Modifying `metrics.yaml` to include correct regex to be scraped as
per Postgres connector.
…peruser (#115)

This PR adds the support for a non superuser to be configured as the
connector user (database.user).

Such a user is required to have the privileges listed in

Specifically, the changes in this revision relate to how the
consistent_point is specified to the YugabyteDB server in order
to execute a consistent snapshot.

**Test Plan**
Added new test
mvn -Dtest=PostgresConnectorIT#nonSuperUserSnapshotAndStreaming test
…nectorTask (#114)

This PR is to add a higher level retry whenever there's a where while
starting a PostgresConnectorTask, the failures can include but not
limited to the following:
1. Failure of creating JDBC connection
2. Failure to execute query
3. Tserver/master restart
4. Node restart
5. Connection failure
…streaming (#116)

## Problem

PG connector does not wait for acknowledgement of snapshot completion
offset before transitioning to streaming. This can lead to an issue if
there is a connector restart in the streaming phase and it goes for a
snapshot on restart. In streaming phase, as soon as the 1st GetChanges
call is made on the server, the retention barriers are lifted and so the
server can no longer serve the snapshot records on a restart. Therefore
it is important that the connector waits for acknowledgement of snapshot
completion offset before it actually transitions to streaming.

## Solution

This PR introduces a waiting mechanism for acknowledgement of snapshot
completion offset before transitioning to streaming.

We have introduced a custom heartbeat implementation that will dispatch
heartbeat when forced heartbeat method is called but we'll dispatch
nothing when a normal heartbeat method is called.

With this PR, connector will dispatch heartbeats while waiting for the
snapshot completion offset i.e during the transition phase. For these
heartbeat calls, there is no need to set the ``
since we are making forced heartbeat calls which do not rely on this
config. Note, this heartbeat call is only required to support
applications using debezium engine/embedded engine. It is not required
when the connector is run with kakfa-connect.

### Test Plan
Manually deployed connector in a docker container and tested two
scenarios: 0 snapshot records & non-zero snapshot records. Unit tests
corresponding to these scenarios will be added in a separate PR.

This PR adds support for the INITIAL_ONLY snapshot mode for Yugabyte.

In the case of Yugabyte also, the snapshot is consumed by executing a
snapshot query (SELECT statement) . To ensure that the streaming phase
continues exactly from where the snapshot left, this snapshot query is
executed as of a specific database state. In YB, this database state is
represented by a value of HybridTime. Changes due to transactions with
commit_time strictly greater than this snapshot HybridTime will be
consumed during the streaming phase.

This value for HybridTime is the value of the "yb_restart_commit_ht"
column of the pg_replication_slots view of the associated slot. Thus, in
the case of Yugabyte, even for the INITIAL_ONLY snapshot mode, a slot
needs to be created if one does not exist.

With this approach, a connector can be deployed in INITIAL_ONLY mode to
consume the initial snapshot. This can be followed by the deployment of
another connector in NEVER mode. This connector will continue the
streaming from exactly where the snapshot left.

**Test Plan**
1. Added new test -` mvn
-Dtest=PostgresConnectorIT#snapshotInitialOnlyFollowedByNever test `
2. Enabled existing test - `mvn
3. Enabled existing test - `mvn
test `
… image (#118)

This PR adds the dependencies for the `AvroConverter` to function in the
Kafka Connect environment. The dependencies will only be added at the
time of building the docker image.
This PR adds a log which will be print the IP of the node every time a
connection is created.
Retry in case of failures while task is restarting. Right now any kind
of failure will lead to task throwing RetriableException exception
causing Task restart.
…te source (#120)

This PR enables 30/33 tests in IncrementalSnapshotIT for Yugabyte source

The tests that are excluded are 

1. updates
2. updatesLargeChunk
3. updatesWithRestart

**Test Plan**
`mvn -Dtest=IncrementalSnapshotIT test`
This PR comments out the part in the init_database i.e. the startup
script during tests where some extensions are being installed - it is
taking more than 2 minutes at this stage and since we do not need it in
the tests we use, it can be skipped.
Throw retry for all exceptions. In future, we will need to throw runtime
exception for wrong configurations.
…r image (#129)

This PR only changes the link in the `Dockerfile` to fetch the latest
custom sink connector jar from GitHub.

According to PR yugabyte/kafka-connect-jdbc#3,
changes include the following:
1. Addition of 3 new configuration properties 
    * `log.table.balance`:
i. Default is `false` but when set to `true`, the sink connector will
execute a query to get the table balance from the target table.
ii. Note that this is only applicable for consistency related tests
where the given query is applicable - it will fail if set in any other
    * ``
i. Default is `1000000` (1M) which can be changed to whatever value we
are expecting the total balance to be in the target table.
    * `tables.for.balance`
i. This takes a comma separated string value for all the table names
from which the sink connector is supposed to extract balances from.
ii. This property will only be valid when `log.table.balance` is
specified as `true`
iii. There is no default for this property so if `log.table.balance` is
set to `true` and `tables.for.balance` is not specified then we will
throw a `RuntimeException`
2. Log additions to aid debugging.
…is set (#131)

## Problem
PG connector filters out record based on its starting point (WAL
position), which in turn depends on the offset received from Kafka. So,
in case, the starting point corresponds to a record in the middle of a
transaction, PG connector will filter out the records of that
transaction with LSN < starting point.

This creates a problem in the downstream pipeline expects consistency of
data. Filtering of records leads to PG connector shipping transaction
with missing records. When such a transaction is applied on the sink,
consistency breaks.

## Solution
When 'provide.transaction.metadata' connector configuration is set, PG
connector ships transaction boundary records BEGIN/COMMIT. Based on
these boundary records, sink connector writes data maintaining
consistency. Therefore, when this connector config is set, we will
disable filtering records based on WAL Resume position.

## Testing
Manually testing - Ran the connector with this fix in our QA runs where
the issue was first discovered. All 10 runs triggered passed.
Unit testing - Cannot reproduce the above mentioned scenario in a unit
This PR adds a configuration to let the user disable consistent snapshot
i.e. `yb.consistent.snapshot` to the connector which is enabled by
default. Setting consistent snapshot means setting/establishing the
boundary between snapshot records (records that existed at the time of
stream creation) and streaming records.

If `yb.consistent.snapshot` is disabled i.e. set to `false`:
- We will not be setting a boundary for snapshot
- If the connector restarts after taking a snapshot but before
acknowledging the streaming LSN, the snapshot will be taken again. This
can result in some records being received both during the snapshot phase
and the streaming phase.
This PR enabled some of the replica identity related tests that were
disabled earlier because of the underlying operation not being supported
by `yugabyte-db`.
…ies (#130)

This PR adds the changes to the connector required to support all kinds
of operations supported by YugabyteDB when coupled with various replica

One change to note here would be that in case of `DEFUALT` replica
identity, Postgres sends out the before image of the primary key column
in case of `DELETE` and `UPDATE` operations. Meanwhile, YugabyteDB only
sends out the before image of primary key in case of `DELETE`
operations, and if a primary key itself is updated, YugabyteDB sends two
1. Delete for the existing row
2. Insert with the new value of the primary key

Additionally to test out everything, we have a new test class
Currently the PG debezium connector makes use of smart driver for
creating connections to YugabyteDB. The smart driver has in built
support for load balancing. However to enable this, the property
`load-balance=true` needs to be set in the connection URL.

This PR adds the `load-balance=true` property to the multi host URL used
for creating load-balanced connections.
Fixed and trimmed log messages. PG connector skips empty txns and these
txns were being logged as a warning with the message "possible data
loss", which is not true. Therefore, we are now removing the "possible
data loss" log message.
siddharth2411 and others added 20 commits July 8, 2024 14:52
Based on our testing so far, whenever the PG connector has skipped txns,
those txns have always been empty txns.
…put (#140)

This PR changes the default plugin in the connector to `yboutput`.

This closes yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23153
…llow YB standards (#136)

This PR also changes the versioning scheme of the connector where the
version would now look like:
* `dz.<DebeziumVersion>.yb.<YBVersion>`
* For example: `dz.2.5.2.yb.2024.1`

This partially addresses yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23081
…g convention (#142)

The PR renamed the main class PostgresConnector to YBPostgresConnector
to avoid name clashes while loading the classes.

Additionally, this closes yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23081
…bezium-core changes (#137)

This PR reverts the changes made in `debezium-core` and converts those
changes to be in the local module only. Changes include:
1. Adding a custom field definition for `HOSTNAME` in
`PostgresConnectorConfig` which uses a new validator
a. Currently the validator definition returns a dummy positive result
but we can modify this in future to set a validation rule if needed.
2. Removing the method `SnapshotResult#isSkipped` and keeping it
localised in `PostgresSnapshotChangeEventSource`
3. Modifying `Dockerfile` to not copy custom `debezium-core-*.jar` -
this will enforce that the images use the prepackaged jar only.

This closes yugabyte/yugabyte-db#23082
This PR fixes the flakiness and false negatives by changing the
1. Disabling the tests which are unsupported
    i. Tests with postgis are not supported
2. Filtering heartbeat records while consuming
3. Fixing other test issues with incorrect record value matching or
value assertions
…s for datatypes (#144)

* This PR adds a test class `YBRecordsStreamProducerIT` which is
essentially a copy of `RecordsStreamProducerIT`.
* The tests are modified in order to support the structure generated by
the plugin `yboutput`.
* Some tests are disabled owing to the fact that the underlying feature
is not yet supported.
* Altering not allowed for column under replication -->
    * Altering the replica identity is not allowed

Some of the tests were not working while working with YugabyteDB's
plugin `yboutput` (default) and the default replica identity `CHANGE`
because the record structure is different from the vanilla
`PostgresConnector`, these tests required change on what is being
asserted and the way values are being read from the source records being
produced by the plugin `yboutput`. This PR enables the following tests
by adding the changes described:
    a. `TransactionMetadataIT`
    b. `SourceInfoTest`
    c. `ReplicaIdentityTestMapperTest`
    d. `PostgresSkipMessagesWithoutChangeConfigIT`
    e. `PostgresOffsetContextTest`
    f. `PostgresMoneyIT`
    g. `PostgresMetricsIT`
    h. `PostgresErrorHandlerTest`
    i. `PostgresConnectorConfigDefTest`
    j. `FieldTest`
    k. `DebeziumEngineIT`
This PR changes the name of the jar file which gets generated once the
connector is compiled. We have changed the name from
`debezium-connector-postgres` to `debezium-connector-yugabytedb`.

Additionally, this PR modifies the `name` tag in the `pom.xml` file with
the name of the source connector.
…tity CHANGE (#147)

## Problem

Suppose we create a table which has a non-key column which also has a
constraint `NOT NULL` - when the connector will start and CDC service
will send a `RELATION` message, the column will be marked as "required"
since a `NOT NULL` column means that the value should be present.

But for a table with replica identity `CHANGE` the column will not be
present in `UPDATE` operations if the column is not updated. This will
violate the assumption of the column being marked as "required" since
the value will not be present and the connector will end up throwing
error of a similar format as:

org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: Invalid value: null used for required field: "name", schema type: STRUCT

## Solution

This PR introduces a fix to the above problem by adding a check while
decoding the relation message - the check essentially verifies that if
the replica identity of the table is `CHANGE` then we explicitly mark
the column as optional **if it is a non key column**.
## Problem

The Postgres JDVC driver jar being used currently has a `CRITICAL`
vulnerability `CVE-2024-1597` as identified by `trivy` in the version

## Solution

For the fix, this PR upgrades the jar to a driver version `42.6.1` which
does not have the vulnerability.
This PR adds a GitHub action to the repository which can be run manually
to publish a Docker image to Quay and create a GitHub release draft with
a fat jar.
This PR fixes the path for the connector jar file to pick up the correct
artefact to be packaged in the Docker image.
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github-actions bot commented Aug 6, 2024

Hi @vaibhav-yb. Thank you for your valuable contribution.
Please author your commit(s) using an email linked to your GitHub account.

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github-actions bot commented Aug 6, 2024

Welcome as a new contributor to Debezium, @vaibhav-yb. Reviewers, please add missing author name(s) and alias name(s) to the COPYRIGHT.txt and Aliases.txt respectively.

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github-actions bot commented Aug 6, 2024

Hi @vaibhav-yb, thanks for your contribution. Please prefix the commit message(s) with the DBZ-xxx JIRA issue key.

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github-actions bot commented Aug 6, 2024

Hi @vaibhav-yb. Thank you for your valuable contribution.
Please author your commit(s) using an email linked to your GitHub account.

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github-actions bot commented Aug 6, 2024

Hi @vaibhav-yb, thanks for your contribution. Please prefix the commit message(s) with the DBZ-xxx JIRA issue key.

public class PGTableSchemaBuilder extends TableSchemaBuilder {
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This class will need comparison with the base class TableSchemaBuilder

* see the {@code sslmode} Postgres JDBC driver option
* Establish a secure connection first.
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This formatting was wrong in the base branch itself, the formatter fixed it.

try (PostgresConnection tempConnection = new PostgresConnection(connectorConfig.getJdbcConfig(), PostgresConnection.CONNECTION_GENERAL)) {
databaseCharset = tempConnection.getDatabaseCharset();
try {
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The changes here are because of the try-catch block we have added for retries.

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