An implementation of Hugo theme hermit in Vuepress
Star it plz if you like !
I really like this theme at a glance, but I think a Hugo blog is not my style though fastest it does, so I made it an implementation in Vuepress.
Under rapid development. Do not take any chance on produce environment.
Now it has stable version. Enjoy having it!
Just run yarn add vuepress-theme-hermit
Seek @document for help
First clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:yuchanns/vuepress-theme-hermit.git
Then change directory to project root.
Now you can run with yarn
to install dependencies directly and start your developing with yarn dev
In my way I prefer to deploy a docker-compose that facilitate matters (require DockerCE installed):
# build image at first
docker-compose build
# then up it in daemon mode
docker-compose up -d
# stop it if you want
docker-compose stop
# don't need it anymore (shall stop it first)
docker-compose rm -f