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nrh edited this page Nov 7, 2010 · 8 revisions

the great to-do list


  • packaging/cleanup
  • documentation


  • run
  • expand
  • jobhalt
  • joblog
  • listjobs
  • jobinfo
  • jobstatus
  • jobhoststatus (hoststatus?)
  • globalstatus
  • jobsnapshot
  • perfstats
  • hostinfo
  • jobretry (hostretry?)
  • jobskip (hostskip?)
  • jobalter
  • hostlog_url (hostlog?)
  • lastjob


pogo(1) commands to implement

this basically means ensure that the client can communicate with the API and deal responsibly with both valid and invalid API responses.

  • run
  • jobs
  • status
  • locks (?)
  • stats
  • retry
  • skip
  • alter
  • halt
  • hoststatus
  • log
  • ping
  • cat
  • documentation for all of the above, i.e. man pogo should work properly.


  • actually create idle workers in the dispatcher pool
  • verify all the ssl junk


  • complete plugin provider code
    • figure out, document the async model for this
    • figure out, document the plugin model for this
  • finish constraint engine
  • lots of tests for constraint engine