Add and change your GoogleAds to your site dynamically by changing it only on one place.
This component doesn't need any Javascript library or frameworks.
Place this Javascript file to at the bottom of your page.
<script src="/js/GoogleAdCustom/GoogleAdCustom.js"></script>
You don't need to call any function to initialize You can replace Slot and Pub Code in GoogleAdCustom.js file.
this component will find every
<gad data-ad="970x90"></gad>
elements and change it with the ad
<gad data-ad="970x90"></gad>
=> Will find _970x90 element from Config variable and replace with it
<gad data-ad="970x90" data-slot="123123"></gad>
=> Same as above, data-slot will be used as Slot.
<gad data-ad="970x90" data-passive="true"></gad>
=> Will not load ad
<gad data-ad="970x90" data-custom="true"></gad>
=> Will not look to Config variable for ads properties,
takes 970 as width and 90 as height
<gad data-ad="970x90" data-custom="true" data-slot="12312323"></gad>
=> Same as above, data-slot will be used as Slot
- No Javascript framework or library used.
- Only me - Mario
No License - Just May The Force Be With You Fellow Siths