forked from Kononnable/typeorm-model-generator
通过已存在的数据库生成用于 Midway
的 TypeORM
其他详细文档和用法请参考 Kononnable/typeorm-model-generator
Supported db engines:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- Oracle Database
- SQLite
npm i mdl-gen-midway
# 推荐
# 请替换配置信息
npx mdl-gen-midway -h localhost -p 3306 -d yourdbname -u root -x yourpassword -e mysql --noConfig --case-property none
There are two way to use this utility:
- Use step by step wizard which will guide you though the process - just type
npx mdl-gen-midway
in your console. - Provide all parameters through command line(examples below)
Use npx mdl-gen-midway --help
to see all available parameters with their descriptions. Some basic parameters below:
Usage: npx mdl-gen-midway -h <host> -d <database> -p [port] -u <user> -x
[password] -e [engine]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --host IP address/Hostname for database server
[default: ""]
-d, --database Database name(or path for sqlite) [required]
-u, --user Username for database server
-x, --pass Password for database server [default: ""]
-p, --port Port number for database server
-e, --engine Database engine
[choices: "mssql", "postgres", "mysql", "mariadb", "oracle", "sqlite"]
[default: "mssql"]
-o, --output Where to place generated models
[default: "./output"]
-s, --schema Schema name to create model from. Only for mssql
and postgres. You can pass multiple values
separated by comma eg. -s scheme1,scheme2,scheme3
--ssl [boolean] [default: false]
--noConfig Doesn't create tsconfig.json and
ormconfig.json [布尔] [默认值: false]
--cp, --case-property Convert property names to specified case
[可选值: "pascal", "camel", "snake", "none"] [默认值: "camel"]
- Creating model from local MySQL database