This Repo contains the desktop windows App, desktop app installer and visual basic code
Copy the github url link
Open visual studio
Click On Clone a Repo
Paste the github url link in the repository location
Set the path where you want to clone this repo
It will have a name of 'deskApp' by default you can set whatever you like, click on clone.
in the search solution explorer you will have :
-Solution 'slidelybro' (2 of 2 projects)
now to view the code click on 'slidelybro', choose for whatever 'form' code you want to look at
form1 - main form
form2 - viewSubmissions
form3 - createSubmissions
to see the functioning press start make sure that the backend server is running
To Run the App
- Go to the cloned repo loaction you set above double click it
- You will find a folder 'app' open it run the 'slidelybro' app
- A windows Desktop Form App in front of you
To install the App we will use the installer
Go to the cloned repo loaction you set above double click it
You will find 'MyAppSetup' folder open it
Open 'debug' folder in it you will find the installer named 'MyAppSetup' run it.
First it will ask you to 'repair' or 'remove'
check 'remove' and than finish
Again run 'MyAppSetup' file and install the Desktop App providing the path of the installation.
Let it install
Go to the path you defined during installation and run the App with the name 'slidelybro'