Narwhal is a simplistic wrapper around the Docker Go API.
For full examples and usage see
// Create a client
client := narwhal.DockerClient()
// Create a container
containerID, err := narwhal.CreateContainer(ctx, client, os.Stdout, narwhal.ContainerDefinition{
Image: "ubuntu:latest",
// Start a container
err := narwhal.StartContainer(ctx, client, containerID)
// Copy a file into a container
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("./", "tmpfile")
err = narwhal.UploadFile(ctx, client, containerID, "/tmp/tmpfile", f.Name())
// Execute a command in a container
err := narwhal.ExecShell(ctx, client, containerID, "echo 'Hello world!'", &narwhal.ExecShellOptions{})