- @youngjuning/node - Zizhu's nodejs utils.
- @youngjuning/template-generator - A template generator based on handlebars.
- @youngjuning/create-lerna-app - Create a app with lerna best practice.
- @youngjuning/eslint-config-base - for pure javascript project.
- @youngjuning/eslint-config-typescript - for javascript、typescript project.
- @youngjuning/eslint-config-react - for react project.
- @youngjuning/eslint-config-react-typescript - for react、react with typescript project.
- @youngjuning/eslint-config-react-native - for react-native project.
- @youngjuning/prettier-config - youngjuning's prettier config.
- @youngjuning/eslint-rules - youngjuning's eslint rules.
- @youngjuning/create-commitlint - Init commintlint in exist project.
- @youngjuning/create-coding-style - Init coding style in exist project.
- @youngjuning/vscode-utils - vscode extension develop utils.
- @youngjuning/vscode-channel - channel for vscode communication with webview.
- @youngjuning/create-vscode-extension - create vscode extension template.
- @youngjuning/create-vscode-webview - vscode webview extension template.