Hot swappable single host reverse TCP proxy in Go
- Swap server process with zero downtime
- Initiated simply via swap file touch
- Graceful shutdown
- Configurable while running
proxyswap -configPath PATH [OPTIONS] PATH is a json config file as specified below. Options: -listenPort Port on which to accept connections. Defaults to 8880. Config keys: serverPath Path to the server command. Required. serverArgs Array of server arguments as strings. Defaults as empty. serverPort Port where the server command is listening. Required. runningPath Path to use for the running server. Defaults to ./running. swapPath Path to use for swap signaling. Defaults to ./swap. swapPoll Seconds between checking the file mod time on the swap path. Defaults to 10. Swapping: First start proxyswap. While running make any config changes desired. Then touch the file at the swap path. Basically this will: -pause accepting connections -wait for the current requests to finish -send an interrupt signal to the server -wait for the server to exit -rewrite the file at swap path -copy file at server path to running path -redirect server output to proxyswap's output -start server -wait for server to respond -continue accepting connections Shutdown: An interrupt signal will gracefully shutdown the proxyswap without dropping connections.
Terminal 1:
go build proxyswap.go
go build exampleServer.go
./proxyswap -configPath exampleConfig.json
Terminal 2:
while [ 1 ]; do curl -s localhost:8880; done
Terminal 3:
while [ 1 ]; do touch swap && sleep 1; done