This is a simple Multiplayer game. It is intended that you can program your own bot and let them fight against other bots by other programmers.
How to use: a) Without bots:
- Open the Lobby Scene in the Scenen Folder.
- start running the program
- One player is the Host (Play and Host) the other Player joins by entering the host's Ip and pressing join.
- In the Lobby you can select your Color and your Name. You can Press join, if at least 2 Players are connected. After everyone pressed join the game start.
- Controll your character (WASD to move and (left) Strg or Left Click to fire). The Aim is to shoot your opponents. Everyone has 3 lives.
- the last man standing won. Than you get placed back in the lobby.
b) With bots (not jet implemented)
- create your C# script to controll you character (it will replace the controlls script in the IngameCharacter Prefab)
- Edit the status Script to replace the controlls with your botscript (like firstbot)
- As the name you enter: "BOT:" and than the name of your bot behind it. (for example "BOT:firstbot")
- Watch and have fun / bugfix / ragequit / improve
Notes: -Ignore everything in the SampleScenes Folder it is from the Lobby Example. The code is not run but it helps to understand the multiplayer stuff. It will be removed later
-You can add multiple Players in the Lobby (current limit 2) so you don't have to build the application every time.
Last edited: 1.8.2018 - 15:57
Rules during a Fight:
- Bots are just allowed to simulate human Input, this has to be made with the movement class. This means you can just move Left OR Right and backwards OR forward once per Update() call. You may use FixedUpdate() instead of Update().
- You are not allowed to Create gameObjects, gameObjects are Objects that show up in the Hierarchy in the Editor.
- Self learning Algorithms are at the moment not allowed (Will probably change in the future).
- You are allowed to read information of the opponent's Character, but keep in mind that information like the shoot cooldown is not Synced over the Network.
Note: After the fight ends (last survivor) the winner is allowed to move as he pleases until he gets send back to the lobby.
Rules last edited: 4.8.2018 - 16:55