v1.0. Now updated to .NET 9.0
The “Xaero” Project is a Movie Project which is quite big and advanced. It will manage the records of a Movie Company like:
- The Production Company which are creating movies.
- The Movie details containing all the information about the movies that are created.
- The Distribution companies whose task is to distribute the movies in different countries.
There are 5 database tables to manage these stuffs and they have Relationships among themselves like – One-to-Many, One-to-One & Many-to-Many.
The Database diagram is given below.
(Don't Confuse it with the "Xaero" character of Quake 3 who carries RailGun and gives perfect headshot. I am a big fan of that character so I used his picture in the image.)
Entity Framework Core is the latest and most powerful Object/Relational Mapping (O/RM) framework for performing database operations. Users will learn how to make a Professional and Advanced Project with it. They will learn:
- CRUD Operations
- Inserting & Updating Single, Multiple and Related records.
- Reading records in Paginations (Number Paging).
- One-to-Many Relationship.
- One-to-One Relationship
- Many-to-Many Relationship
- Sorting of Records
- CRUD Operations
- Installation of Entity Framework Core
- DbContext Class in Entity Framework Core
- Migrations in Entity Framework Core
- Insert Records in Entity Framework Core
- Fluent API in Entity Framework Core
- One-to-Many Relationship Entity Framework Core
- One-to-One Relationship Entity Framework Core
- Many-to-Many Relationship Entity Framework Core
If you found this Implementation helpful or used it in your Projects, do give it a star. Thanks! Or, If you are feeling really generous, Support the Project with a small contribution!
- ASP.NET Core 9.0
- Entity Framework Core 9.0
- MS SQL Server
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap 5
- Make sure you have EF CLI Tools installed. Open up Powershell and run the following command
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Clone this Repository and Extract it to a Folder.
- Do Migrations to create the database
Feel Free to Clone the Project and try it out. Raise any issues / requests that you may find. - I have posted a 10,000+ words tutorial of Xaero covering all the aspects from A to Z. Do Visit it.
Support This Project to keep it active.
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- Facebook - yogihosting
- Twitter - yogihosting
Project is licensed with the MIT License. Feel free to use it in your projects. Do share it with your friends in FB, Twitter, Linked, etc.