OpenBook is a command line application to assist with open book exams.
You will need to have cabal and GHC installed. You simply navigate to the clones directory and simply type
cabal v2-build
./ [Install dir]
The script will not work on windows
When it is completed, you will simply run OpenBook [filename]
where the file is
a store of all the data you might want to look up in the exam.
- When the app is running, 'ESC' closes the app, type to search and arrow keys to select a hit.
- Clicking on "See also" or "related" section will jump there
- On MacOS Only, clicking on a "File : " section will open the file in QuickLook
Data is input in .ob
files. Here is an example file:
#title Monad
A Monad is a type constructor, M, together with an instance of return and bind
#def Monad Laws
The monad laws are the following:
(xm $> f) $> g = xm $> (\x -> f x $> g)
(result x) $> f = f x
xm $> result = xm
#eqn monad-eqn
result :: a -> M a
($>) :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
#title Continuation Monad
The continuation monad encapsulates continuations
#def ContMonadDef
type M a = (a -> Ans) -> Ans
#is Monad
#eqn contMonadEq
result x k = k x
(x $> f) k = x (\x -> f x k)
#file LaTeXed Formula
In src/Main.hs
(as of writing line 72) there is a line that looks like this:
handleEvent entries s (MouseDown (Extern path) button mods coords) = (liftIO $ spawnCommand ("qlmanage -p " ++ path ++ " >& /dev/null")) >> continue s
swap out qlmanage -p
with whatever file opening command you want!
- Build UI
- Design file format and parser for text
- Implement search utility
- Implement more focuses search