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Oracle Linux ASM docker


General information

In this setup we are:

  • Installing docker
  • Creating Non-root user (ynixon) with sudo and docker privileges
  • ASM device: /dev/sdb1
  • Enabling sqlnet + ssh to the container
  • Default ASM port is 1521
  • ssh port 2222
  • Passwords for root + grid os users in the container are “ynixon”
  • Password for sys ASM user is “ynixon”
  • Grid software is 12.2 without any patches
  • Container Operating system is Oracle Linux 7.5
  • Within the container, there is no use of UDEV / ASMLIB or ASMFD – the asm_diskstring='/dev/asm*' ,'/dev/*'
  • All test done on regular Ubuntu 14.04
  • There is a crontab job to keep 15 days of trace files + remove audit files.

Prepare host for ASM device

Make sure the device has permissions of the same container ids by applying UDEV rules

$ vi /etc/udev/rules.d/100-asm.rules KERNEL=="sdb1", NAME="ASM_DISK", OWNER="54421", GROUP="54421", MODE="0660" udevadm trigger --sysname-match=sdb1 --verbose

Verify the device has ASM lables

DISK_GROUP=$( blkid | grep oracleasm | sed 's/.*LABEL=\"\([^\"]*\)\" TYPE=\"oracleasm\"/\1/')
if [ -z "$DISK_GROUP" ]
    echo "device /dev/sdb1 has not asm metadata"
    echo "device /dev/sdb1 has diskgroup $DISK_GROUP"

Install Docker

As root

$ curl -fsSL | sh


$ curl -fsSL | sudo
$ apt-key add - add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
$ apt-get update
$ apt-cache policy docker-ce
$ apt-get install -y docker-ce
$ service docker status

Add users

As root Equivalent user ids to the docker to follow (will be identified from outside)

$ groupadd -g 54422 asmadmin
$ useradd -u 54421 -g 54422 grid

A dedicated user to manage the docker

$ adduser ynixon -g 54422 $ echo "ynixon:ynixon" | chpasswd 
$ usermod -aG docker ynixon 
$ usermod -aG sudo ynixon 
$ sed -i '/PasswordAuthentication/d' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ echo "PasswordAuthentication no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ sed -i '/PubkeyAuthentication/d' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ echo "PubkeyAuthentication yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ sed -i '/ChallengeResponseAuthentication/d' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ echo "ChallengeResponseAuthentication no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
$ service ssh reload

Building a new image

If you already have an image file skip to Load image. In this step we will create a new image from scratch, and pack it at the end. You can run /depo/ + /depo/ or run the following manual steps:

Prepare the files

As root

$ mkdir /depo/
$ chown -R root:54422 /depo/
$ chmod 775 /depo
$ git clone /depo/

Ensure you download the file and copy it to /depo/ folder

List of the files

Script Description A script to that will run for crontab to delete trace files periodically A script to build a docker image A script to clean all docker containers and an image
crontab.setup A cronjob script for grid user that will delete trace files periodically
disks.sql An SQL script for listing disks A script to check docker images dependencies
docker_folder/Dockerfile Build instruction for docker image Export a docker image and compress it
glogin.sql setting SQL*Plus prettier output
grants.sql grants for the build process
init+ASM.ora The initialization file for ASM instance Install script for grid Oracle 12.2 Grid software (no patches) download it separately
listener.ora Listener file
oracle_asm Logrotate for oracle logfiles
rlwrap-0.42-1.el7.x86_64.rpm Handy tool to enable history in SQL*Plus, asmcmd Start a container Images and Container status

Run build image

As root/ynixon

$ cd /depo/docker_folder
$ docker build -t ynixon/docker_grid_asm .

Run image detached (at background)

$ docker run --rm --privileged --detach --name asm_grid_build -h gridserver -p 1521:1521 -p 2222:22 --shm-size 2048m -e TZ=UTC \-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --volume /depo:/software --volume /boot:/boot --device=/dev/sdb1 ynixon/docker_grid_asm

Install grid software

$ docker exec -it asm_grid_build su - grid -c '/software/'

Save the image with the grid

$ docker commit -m "oracle linux 7.5 standalone grid infrastructure with ASM" -a "Yossi Nixon" \`docker ps -lq\` ynixon/ynixon_asm_server

Remove intermediate image (without the grid)

$ docker rm -f asm_grid_build

Optional – check the the new image

Run the container at the background

$ docker run --privileged --detach --name asm_grid -h gridserver -p 1521:1521 -p 2222:22 --shm-size 2048m -e TZ=UTC -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --volume /depo:/software --volume /boot:/boot --device=/dev/sdb1 --restart always ynixon/ynixon_asm_server

Connect to the new container to verify the environment

$ docker exec -it --user grid asm_grid bash -l

Export the image and compress it

$ docker save -o /depo/export/docker_ynixon_asm_server.tar ynixon/ynixon_asm_server:latest
$ gzip docker_ynixon_asm_server.tar

Load image

Copy the file docker_ynixon_asm_server.tar.gz to /tmp

Uncompress the file

$ gunzip /tmp/docker_ynixon_asm_server.tar.gz

Load the file into the local container repository

$ docker load -i /depo/export/docker_ynixon_asm_server.tar

Run a container based on the loaded image

$ docker run --privileged --detach --name asm_grid -h gridserver -p 1521:1521 -p 2222:22 --shm-size 2048m -e TZ=UTC \-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --volume /boot:/boot --device=/dev/sdb1 \--restart always ynixon/ynixon_asm_server

Test Connection from remote machines:

$ ssh root@ -p 2222$ sqlplus sys/ynixon@:1521/+ASM as sysasm

Deploy Web Interface – Portainer

$ docker volume create portainer_data $ docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer

Open browser at: http://:9000/



Oracle Linux ASM docker






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