The story of the creation of Future AI technology
A safe and friendly platform for all verified users to learn, design, create, teach, build, share, and game. Promote that which YOU are best at while helping contribute to the future successes of all.
The way this will be done is through all popular social media apps on all platforms while operating on whatever operating system you choose. All from where ever you carry your device on this big beautiful planet of ours :)
Where the AI (artificial intelligence) part comes in and what makes it safe and secure for everyone to use, will be what we choose to put out there into the "cyberspace" of the interweb. Through our devices, obviously there would be age restrictions throughout keeping it suitibale for the appropraite ages. Something we seem to know so well, while at the same time questioning it day after day is life and the purpose of all life here on earth. For some reason, all across the world throughout almost all recorded history, people never agree on what is true or right or politically correct and so on and so on. We all think we have the right answer. When in reality we DO have the right answer. It just might not be the right answer for someone else in their life. As life seems to go one we discover that everyone is on their own "trip", path, or journey, whatever creative name you may call it. And through this... what we will call, "A mysterious force" for now is what connects us and brings us together as humans. We gather in families, as friends, as colleagues, as fellow travelers through time, as we create the future one second at a time. Some say we are Gods, some say there is NO god, some don't believe in such power, but the mater of the fact is, we are all here on this earth together for the time being..
What makes this possible? We must acknowledge that the rate at with technology is advancing is absurd, it's almost incomprehensible. This makes it a quite interesting time for us all. Where technology and access to the web is extremely easy for almost anyone. Even toddlers are picking up and learning technology quicker than ever before. It's almost if time itself has slowed down... or are we just progressing faster than before? With the wild pandemic -that the discovery of COVID-19 has caused across the world- I believe that many people have gained many different experiences and "woken up" as some would call it. One belief I hold true, is that technology was created and is being created for our benefit. If we view technology as an extension of ones 'self' and as a benefit to each of our personal life pursuits. We can see that the implementation and influence of technology is enormous. Knowledge spread across the web is only increasing.
This is made possible thanks to all who use the web :)