A gulp plugin dependencies tinify to compressed your jpeg or png
Install with npm
npm install --save-dev gulp-tinify-img
gulpTinifyImg({tinify_key: 'xxx', log: true})
1) tinify_key: A useable tinify key
2) log: true || false (default is false) //option whether need log
#How to get a useable tinify key go here
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gulpTinifyImg = require('gulp-tinify-img'),
gulp.task('tinify-img', function () {
gulp.src([path.join(config.src, '*.{png, jpeg}')], {})
.pipe(gulpTinifyImg({tinify_key: 'xxxx', log: true}))
#Last if you have some prombles when use,you can open an issue to me!!!