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Yii Data DB

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The package provides Yiisoft\Db\Query\Query bindings for generic data abstractions.

Detailed build statuses:

RDBMS Status
SQLite SQLite status
MySQL MYSQL status
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL status
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server status
Oracle Oracle status


  • PHP 8.1 or higher.


The package could be installed with Composer:

composer require yiisoft/data-db

General usage

use Yiisoft\Data\Db\Filter\All;
use Yiisoft\Data\Db\Filter\Equals;
use Yiisoft\Data\Db\QueryDataReader;

$typeId    = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'type_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$countryId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'country_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$parentId  = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'parent_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);

// OR
// $typeId    = $_GET['type_id'] ?? null;
// $countryId = $_GET['country_id'] ?? null;
// $parentId  = $_GET['parent_id'] ?? null;

// OR
// $params = $request->getQueryParams();
// $typeId    = $params['type_id'] ?? null;
// $countryId = $params['country_id'] ?? null;
// $parentId  = $params['parent_id'] ?? null;

// OR same with ArrayHelper::getValue();

$query = $arFactory->createQueryTo(AR::class);

$filter = new All(
    (new Equals('type_id', $typeId)),
    (new Equals('country_id', $countryId)),
    (new Equals('parent_id', $parentId))

$dataReader = (new QueryDataReader($query))

If $typeId, $countryId and $parentId equals NULL that generate SQL like:

SELECT AR::tableName().* FROM AR::tableName() WHERE type_id IS NULL AND country_id IS NULL AND parent_id IS NULL

If we want ignore not existing arguments (i.e. not set in $_GET/queryParams), we can use withIgnoreNull(true) method:

$typeId    = 1;
$countryId = null;
$parentId  = null;

$filter = new All(
    (new Equals('type_id', $typeId))->withIgnoreNull(true),
    (new Equals('country_id', $countryId))->withIgnoreNull(true),
    (new Equals('parent_id', $parentId))->withIgnoreNull(true)

$dataReader = (new QueryDataReader($query))

That generate SQL like:

SELECT AR::tableName().* FROM AR::tableName() WHERE type_id = 1

If query joins several tables with same column name, pass table name as 3-th filter arguments

$equalsTableOne = (new Equals('id', 1, 'table_one'))->withIgnoreNull(true);
$equalsTableTwo = (new Equals('id', 100, 'table_two'))->withIgnoreNull(true);

Current filters/processors


  • Equals - =
  • NotEquals - !=
  • GreaterThan - >
  • GreaterThanOrEqual - >=
  • In
  • LessThan - <
  • LessThanOrEqual - <=
  • Not
  • Like\ILIke
  • Exists
  • Between

Filter "Like" or "ILike"

This filters has methods withBoth, withoutBoth, withStart, withoutStart, withEnd, withoutEnd

$filter = new Like('column', 'value');
$dataReader = (new QueryDataReader($query))->withFilter($filter);
//column LIKE '%value%'

$filter = (new Like('column', 'value'))->withoutStart();
$dataReader = (new QueryDataReader($query))->withFilter($filter);
//column LIKE 'value%'

$filter = (new Like('column', 'value'))->withoutEnd();
$dataReader = (new QueryDataReader($query))->withFilter($filter);
//column LIKE '%value'

Filter "Exists"

Takes only one argument with type ofYiisoft\Db\Query\Query

Filter "Not"

Takes only one argument with type ofYiisoft\Data\Reader\Filter\FilterInterface


  • All - and
  • Any - or


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The Yii Data DB is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

Maintained by Yii Software.

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