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The MERN-Stack E-commerce Web Application with Redux

The MERN stack e-commerce web application with Redux is a full-stack web application that uses MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, and Redux to create an online shopping platform. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON-like documents. Express is a web framework for Node.js that handles routing, middleware, and API endpoints. React is a library for building user interfaces using components and JSX. Node.js is a runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside the browser. Redux is a state management tool that helps to manage the application state in a predictable way.

Check out below video:

mern-stack e-commerce with redux

Some features such as:

  • It allows users to browse, search, and filter products by categories, ratings, prices, etc.
  • It supports user authentication and authorization using JWT (JSON Web Token) and bcrypt.
  • It enables users to add products to their shopping cart and checkout using Stripe payment methods.
  • It provides a complete admin dashboard that allows sellers to manage their products, orders, reviews, and users.
  • It uses Redux Toolkit to simplify the Redux code and reduce boilerplate.
  • It uses Cloudinary to upload and store product images.
  • It uses various middleware and libraries to enhance the functionality and security of the application, such as multer, helmet, morgan, cors, etc.

Please include file of the following tasks:

File: root of application


NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 3001
MONGO_URI = mongodb+srv://xxxxx:[email protected]/xxxxx?retryWrites=true&w=majority
WEB_APP_URL = http://localhost:3000
STRIPE_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY = sk_test_51JtdgxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcuTq9zBC
Note: Replace 'xxxx' with your own.