inspired by CS50 duch debugger on VSCODE
List of things to edit-add/found bugs -Need to change input and button position to fixed position and position it bottom of the screen/view [⭕️]done -center items/content [⭕️]not done -add event listener for "enter"/so that button or enter will work [❌]not done -need more aesthetics [❌]not done (not so importantant for now-functionality most important right now) -Need to find out how to let the page auto scroll down the page. For now the page need to be manually scrolled to see the result
Future features
- need to turn dugger into extention
- edit local database so that when the extention is minimised or refreshed, the value or saved result will stay on screen
- need to learn how to add timer to the debugger reply. as of for now the reply is instantanious, adding a second or two delay would help for immersiveness or maybe can add random delay time (0-5 seconds)