Highlight code lines/code blcok what you are focus on.
- Highlight current line.
- Highlight fixed configuration numbers of lines.
- Highlight lines by indent.
- Highlight code block.
- Just install it.
- We provide commands and statusbar button that help you quickly change level.
Set the level by json or UI:
"focus.highlightRange":"line" //Highlight current line
"focus.highlightRange":"block" //Highlight code block which range by `{` and `}`
"focus.highlightRange":"indent" //Highlight lines by indent
"focus.highlightRange":"fixed" //Highlight line counts by configuration
When the level set to fixed,configurate how many line to highlight:
Configurate opacity:
"focus.opacity":0.7 //number between (0,1)
See Change Log here
Submit the issues if you find any bug or have any suggestion.
Fork the repo and submit pull requests.