Limelight is a web application for visualizing, sharing, and analyzing the full-stack of mass spec proteomics results processed by any software pipeline.
If you use Limelight in your work, please cite:
Discovery and Visualization of Uncharacterized Drug-Protein Adducts Using Mass Spectrometry. Riffle M, Hoopmann MR, Jaschob D, Zhong G, Moritz RL, MacCoss MJ, Davis TN, Isoherranen N, Zelter A. Anal Chem. 2022 Mar 1;94(8):3501-3509. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c04101.
Please see our administration site for a broad overview of Limelight's features.
Please see our documentation site for guides on how to use Limelight.
Please see our administration guides for guides on how to install Limelight on your own computer or server.
If you have questions about Limelight, ideas for new features, or want to report any problems, please contact us!
- Try using the Limelight Issue Page, right here on GitHub.
- You can join our Slack and chat with us.
- You can email us at [email protected]