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Security: yearn/yearn-security


Yearn's Security Process

This document describes the Security Process for Yearn Finance, including vulnerability disclosures and its Bug Bounty program. We are committed to conduct our Security Process in a professional and civil manner. Public shaming, under-reporting, or misrepresentation of vulnerabilities will not be tolerated.

To submit a finding, please follow the steps outlined in receiving disclosures section.

Responsible Disclosure Standard

Yearn follows a community standard for responsible disclosure in cryptocurrency and related software. This document is a public commitment to following the standard.

This standard provides detailed information for:

  • Initial Contact: how to establish initial contact with Yearn's security team.
  • Giving Details: what details to include with your vulnerability disclosure after having received a response to your initial contact.
  • Setting Dates: how to agree on timelines for releasing updates and making details of the issue public.

Any expected deviations and necessary clarifications around the standard are explained in the following sections.

Receiving Disclosures

Directly to Yearn

Yearn is committed to working with researchers who submit security vulnerability notifications to us, to resolve those issues on an appropriate timeline, and to perform a coordinated release, giving credit to the reporter if they would so like.

Please submit issues to all of the following main points of contact for security related issues according to the initial contact and giving details guidelines.

For all security related issues, Yearn has the following main points of contact:

Contact Public key Email Keybase
0xJiji PGP 0x7171 at @0xjiji
Doggie Boy / fubuloubu PGP yearn-security at @fubuloubu

Include all contacts in your communication, PGP encrypted to all parties.

You can also reach out informally over keybase encrypted chat to one or more of the contacts as per the details above.

Via Immunefi

A bug bounty is also hosted on Immunefi at the address

Vulnerabilities may also be disclosed through the Immunefi platform. Immunefi will then handle bug bounty communications.

Users who violate the rules of participation will not receive bug bounty payouts and may be temporarily suspended or banned from the bug bounty program.

Sending Disclosures

In the case where we become aware of security issues affecting other projects that has never affected Yearn, our intention is to inform those projects of security issues on a best effort basis.

In the case where we fix a security issue in Yearn that also affects the following neighboring projects, our intention is to engage in responsible disclosures with them as described in the adopted standard, subject to the deviations described in the deviations section of this document.

Bilateral Responsible Disclosure Agreements

Yearn does not currently have any established bilateral disclosure agreements.

Bug Bounty Program

Yearn has a Bug Bounty program to encourage security researchers to spend time studying the protocol in order to uncover vulnerabilities. We believe these researchers should get fairly compensated for their time and effort, and acknowledged for their valuable contributions.


  1. Bug has not been publicly disclosed.
  2. Vulnerabilities that have been previously submitted by another contributor or already known by the Yearn development team are not eligible for rewards.
  3. The size of the bounty payout depends on the assessment of the severity of the exploit. Please refer to the rewards section below for additional details.
  4. Bugs must be reproducible in order for us to verify the vulnerability.
  5. Rewards and the validity of bugs are determined by the Yearn security team and any payouts are made at their sole discretion.
  6. Terms and conditions of the Bug Bounty program can be changed at any time at the discretion of Yearn.
  7. Details of any valid bugs may be shared with complementary protocols utilized in the Yearn ecosystem in order to promote ecosystem cohesion and safety.


  • Severe: Highly likely to have a material impact on availability, integrity, and/or loss of funds.
  • High: Likely to have impact on availability, integrity, and/or loss of funds.
  • Medium: Possible to have an impact on availability, integrity, and/or loss of funds.
  • Low: Unlikely to have a meaningful impact on availability, integrity, and/or loss of funds.


  • Severe: $20,000-$200,000
  • High: $5,000-$20,000
  • Medium: $1,000-$5,000
  • Low: $100-$1,000

Paid out in USD equivalent of USDC, DAI, ETH, YFI, or their Yearn Vault counterparts.

Actual payouts are determined by classifying the vulnerability based on its impact and likelihood to be exploited successfully, as well as the process working with the disclosing security researcher. The rewards above represent the maximum that will be paid out for a disclosure.


The scope of the Bug Bounty program spans production smart contracts utilized in the Yearn ecosystem.


For exact smart contracts, refer to:

Production Contracts

Yearn adds and removes Vaults and Strategies from Production on an ongoing basis. The following functions can be called to obtain a list of smart contract addresses that are currently in Production and that are covered by the program.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Keep in mind that the smart contracts mentioned in the table below are only helper contracts to fetch the actual vaults and strategies in production, they don't hold any funds and are NOT part of the bounty program's scope. To get the actual contract addresses for vaults and strategies part of the bounty program you need to call the query functions on these helper contracts listed in the table below.

Network Contract Description Address Function to call
Ethereum StrategiesHelper list of production strategy addresses 0x5b4F3BE554a88Bd0f8d8769B9260be865ba03B4a assetsStrategiesAddresses()
Ethereum AddressesGeneratorV2Vaults list of endorsed v2 vault addresses 0x437758D475F70249e03EDa6bE23684aD1FC375F0 assetsAddresses()
Ethereum AddressesGeneratorIronBank list of iron bank market addresses 0xa0B57619A980DFEfD50f24F310EE1b55A40A9D46 assetsAddresses()
Fantom StrategiesHelper list of production strategy addresses 0x97D0bE2a72fc4Db90eD9Dbc2Ea7F03B4968f6938 assetsStrategiesAddresses()
Fantom AddressesGeneratorV2Vaults list of endorsed v2 vault addresses 0x8ca27a3ab8917a033f278D20135d2467faA099bA assetsAddresses()
Fantom AddressesGeneratorIronBank list of iron bank market addresses 0x5ABdfDfa0cF2d83c4755E0a2a782eF57FEd5c23B assetsAddresses()
Optimism StrategiesHelper list of production strategy addresses 0xD3A93C794ee2798D8f7906493Cd3c2A835aa0074 assetsStrategiesAddresses()
Optimism AddressesGeneratorV2Vaults list of endorsed v2 vault addresses 0xD63aB09ac2048a7eCac92f0fFad5F104edD0E032 assetsAddresses()
Arbitrum StrategiesHelper list of production strategy addresses 0x66a1a27f4b22dcaa24e427dcffbf0cddd9d35e0f assetsStrategiesAddresses()
Arbitrum AddressesGeneratorV2Vaults list of endorsed v2 vault addresses 0x3a8efa2d87d60c0289f19b44a0928f4269c0f094 assetsAddresses()

The following contracts are also included in the bounty program, although they won't show on the above lists:

Network Contract Name Address
Ethereum yCRV 0xFCc5c47bE19d06BF83eB04298b026F81069ff65b
Ethereum Donator donatooor.ychad.eth
Ethereum Splitter bribe-splitter.ychad.eth
Ethereum yBribe ybribe.ychad.eth

Note: Other contracts, outside of the ones mentioned above, might be considered on a case by case basis, please, reach out to the Yearn development team for clarification.

Deviations from the Standard

The standard describes reporters of vulnerabilities including full details of an issue, in order to reproduce it. This is necessary for instance in the case of an external researcher both demonstrating and proving that there really is a security issue, and that security issue really has the impact that they say it has - allowing the development team to accurately prioritize and resolve the issue.

In the case of a counterfeiting or fund-stealing bug affecting Yearn, however, we might decide not to include those details with our reports to partners ahead of coordinated release, as long as we are sure that they are not vulnerable.

More Information

Additional security-related information about the Yearn project including disclosures, signatures and PGP public keys can be found in the yearn-security repository.


Parts of this document were inspired by Grin's security policy.

There aren’t any published security advisories