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Commercecart is an fullstack shopping app, which has two user compatitlity i.e user and admin. It is built using flutter and node.js. Here is the commercecart backend :

Technology used:

  • Flutter - Used as a Frontend, UI Logic handling
  • Node.js - Used as a backend server
  • Express - Used to create APIs for the app
  • Provider - Used in frontend to manage state

Structure and Features

User Features:

  • Users can view the category-based products
  • User can see the details of the deal
  • User can order the product
  • User can rate the product
  • User can add its address and where it wants to get it delivered
  • Users can view orders from there
  • Users can search products from the whole product database.

Admin Features:

  • Admin can add products according to categories for selling
  • Admin can delete their product if they don't wish to continue selling the product
  • Admin can see their earnings i.e total earnings and also based on category
  • Admin can see the orders they have received from the customers
  • Admin can modify the current status of the order, i.e pending, received, delivered, done
  • Admin can delete their product if they don't wish to continue selling the product

Test account:


email: [email protected]
password: admin


email: [email protected]
password: user

Admin UI Demo

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User UI Demo

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