- OpenCV 3
- PyTorch 1.0
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- Install all the dependencies on your computer. (Use Anaconda preferably to install all the necessary libraries and packages)
- Open Anaconda Command Prompt
- Change directory (cd) to the location where the python file is present (here, "style transfer on video.py")
- Make sure to put the input style images into the directory: "input_style_frames" and name the style images as "style_1.jpg", "style_2.jpg", and so on. If you are using a different directory, you may need to change the folder names in the code.
- Enter the following command in the Anaconda Terminal: python "python-file.py" "path-to-input-video" For Ex: python "style transfer on video.py" input_video\sample_video.mp4
- The program will run successfully and you will see the desired output processed video in the folder: "output_processed_video".
- Open the video and check the result.
All over in 10 seconds - Ian Rushton. Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUWxSEwctFU