Draw a line between two points in the given container.
//Assuming that #example have position:relative or absolute.
$('#example').line(0, 0, 20, 20,'my-first-line');
You can pass some options like color, stroke width or zindex, and a callback function:
Defaults are: { zindex : -1, color : '#000000', stroke: '1', style: 'solid' }
$('#example').line(10, 10, 300, 300, 'my-second-line'{color:"#D60004", stroke:5, zindex:1001}, function(){alert('Hello new line!')});
Open index.html in the 'example' folder on your browser to see some lines.
Variable "id" is used for redraw line which was created before. If you write:
$('#example').line(10, 10, 400, 300, 'my-second-line')
line with id='my-second-line' will be redraw to (left:400,top:300) position.