Simple 3d game engine written in c++ as part of a personnal project student done at Keimyung University.
Every ball are linked by springs to every other balls, and is influenced by the gravity.
Each individual ball is influenced by gravity and a wind pushing them to the side. The balls bounce off the floor and an invisible wall at the edge of the level
Each ball is drag-and-droppable with the mouse.
Basic rendering system works with OpenGl. It supports :
- basic shapes (sphere / cube / plane)
- complex object which can be loaded from files like
using assimp library - 3d lines
- Transparent objects
- Textures
All the UI is done using ImGui
Basic non-deterministic hand-crafted physic engine. It supports :
- Collisions between sphere and plane colliders
- Custom user-defined constraint (such as the bridge ropes / sticks)
The entire project uses c++20.
I use entt as entity-component system.
The physic engine is a basic contrainst resolver between collision which iterates 50 times every tick.
The only two type of collider supported are infinite planes and spheres.
Collisions only affect object's velocity, and leaves the rotation velocity untouched. The rotation velocity changes are still in progress, as well a box colliders.
All the rendering is done with OpenGl for the game, and ImGui for the UI.
Asset loading is done with assimp