- Instead of relying on the existing particle system, we developed a self-designed particle system using OpenGL and C++, featuring dynamic particle transformations and physics-based behaviors to simulate realistic fireworks effects.
- We built a Fireworks Simulator Game based on the self-designed particle system, allowing players to freely place and ignite various types of fireworks within the game environment.
- build: Build directory
- code: Source code directory
- include: Header files
- src: Source files
- release: Executable files and necessary resource files
- img: Texture resources
- Lib_Lib: Third-party library files
- lib: Project static library output directory
- Object: Model resources
- Shaders: Shader source code
- sound: Audio resources
To compile the program, navigate to the build folder and run the make_build.bat script. The generated executable files will be located in the release directory.
cd build
The video has lower resolution due to recording and editing, but the game clarity can be referenced in the image below.
You can watch the full video of our game Here
Partial video clips1:
Partial video clips2: