- 🔭 I am pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Technology at Sichuan University🐼, China.
- 🌱 Focused on machine learning and neural networks. Proficient in PyTorch, Spring Boot, and Vue, R.
- 💡 I was admitted to The National Institute of Health Data Science at Peking University
- 👯 I am excited to be part of the NIHDS-PKU community and look forward to contributing to the field of AI For Healthcare!
- 📫 Reach me at [email protected].
- 😄 Motto: Well, perhaps the path appears straight when we look back at it. On the way, we often feel lost.
- ⚡ Fun Fact: I enjoy playing the guitar(Fingerstyle), Singing (SLS), and Music-Making (FLStudio).
- Recommendation System
- AI For Healthcare
- Web-Development
- Nephrosis(AKI,IgAN)
- Computer Vision