- Utilities for the learning of basic concepts in magnetic and electromagnetic exploration
- Organized as independent/stand-alone Jupyter Notebooks (in Python)
- Minimum requirement of packages (usually only Numpy, Scipy, matplotlib/plotly)
- Full disclosure of codes for customization
- MagDipole: draw field lines from a magnetic dipole in 3D; total field anomaly map and profiles observed at given locations; support "long dipole" with non-negligible length.
- MagDipoleLoops3D: draw field lines from a magnetic dipole (small loop) in 3D; draw a second loop to show the mutual coupling between the two loops through the field lines.
- MagDipole3Loops3D: draw field lines from a magnetic dipole (transmitter) in 3D; draw a second loop (target) to show the mutual coupling between the transmitter and the target; draw field lines from the induced current in the second loop; draw a third loop (receiver) to show how the primary and secondary field lines go through the third loop.