Have a cool C/C++ function and want to use it with SQL?
- Use
sqlite3cpp::database db(":memory:");
mydb.create_scalar("coolFunc", [](std::string_view input) {
// do cool stuff
return "done!";
- or attach
to a sqltie3 raw instance
sqlite3 *db = nullptr;
sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db);
sqlite3cpp::database mydb(db);
mydb.create_scalar("coolFunc", [](std::string_view input) {
// do cool stuff
return "done!";
That's it! Now you can use the coolFunc
. e.g.
char const *query = "select coolFunc(colA) from Table";
sqlite3_exec(db, query, 0, 0, 0);
// or
Prototype of the created scalar function is auto generated by sqlite3cpp, based on prototype of supplied lambda or free function.
using namespace sqlite3cpp;
database db(":memory:");
// Create table and insert some data
"create table T (a INT, b TEXT);"
"insert into T values(1, 'test1');"
"insert into T values(2, 'test2');"
"insert into T values(2, 'abc');"
"insert into T values(3, 'test3');"
// Create a `mutiply` scalar function with lambda
db.create_scalar("mutiply", [](int x, int y) {
return x * y;
char const *query = "select a, mutiply(a,a) from T;";
for(auto const &row : c.execute(query)) {
auto [ a, b ] = row.to<int, int>();
// ...
Again, sqlite3cpp detects and generates wrapped aggregate for you. You do not have to specify function prototypes.
// Create a `stdev` aggregate
struct stdev {
void step(int val) {
m_cnt ++;
m_sum += val;
m_sq_sum += val * val;
double finalize() {
auto avg = (double)m_sum / m_cnt;
return std::sqrt((double)(m_sq_sum - avg * avg * m_cnt) / (m_cnt -1));
size_t m_cnt = 0;
int m_sum = 0, m_sq_sum = 0;
// Invoke the stdev aggregate in SQL
char const *query = "select stdev(a) from T";
for(auto const &row : db.execute(query)) {
auto [a] = row.to<double>();
// EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.81649658092772603, a);
char const *query = "select * from T where a > ? and a < ? and b like ?";
string pattern = "test%";
for(auto const &row : db.execute(query, 1, 3, pattern)) {
auto [a, b] = row.to<int, std::string>();
// do something with a or b
database db(":memory:");
try {
transaction trns(db);
// Execute SQL statements within the transaction
} catch (error &e) {
// The transaction is rollback if an exception was raised
cerr << e.what() << endl;
Note: End transaction in destructor of the transaction object may fail as well as throw exception. However, it's error-prone to throw exceptions as of destruction. Current implementation catches all exceptions silently.
- CMake 3.0+
- A C++17 compatible compiler (VS 2017, clang 6.0+, or gcc 7.0+)
git clone https://github.com/yangacer/sqlite3cpp
cd sqlite3cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. # -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
sudo make install
Compile with: g++ -std=c++17 -o hello hello.cpp -lsqlite3cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "sqlite3cpp.h"
int main() {
using namespace sqlite3cpp;
using std::string;
database db(":memory:");
"create table T (msg TEXT, num INTEGER);"
"insert into T values('Hello, World!', 1);"
"insert into T values('Hello, sqlite3cpp!', 2);"
char const *query = "select msg from T where msg like ? and num > ?";
for(auto const &row : db.execute(query, "%World%", 0) {
auto [ msg, num ] = row.to<string, int>();
std::cout << "msg: " << msg << " num: " << num << std::endl;
// Output: msg: Hello, World! num: 1
sqlite3 | sqlite3cpp |
sqlite3 * | database |
sqlite3_stmt * | cursor, row |
For mapped classes of sqlite3cpp, you can obtain underlying sqlite3 struct for inoking sqlite3 native functions. e.g.
database db(":memory:");
sqlite3 *db_impl = db.get();
// take the native `sqlite3_changes` for example
printf("Modified rows: %d", sqlite3_changes(db_impl, ...));
cursor c = db.make_cursor();
c.execute("select * from T");
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = c.get();
// Print column names
for(int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); ++i) {
printf("%s\t", sqlite3_column_name(stmt, i));
for(auto const &row : c) {
printf("%d\t", sqlite3_column_bytes(row.get()));
// Note: row.get() also returns `sqlite3_stmt *`
WARNING: Lifetime of sqlite3_stmt * ends when the associated cursor reaching end of results (SQLITE_DONE). Consequntly the pointer becomes a dangling one. Please use it with caution.