This library has been created to make your life easier as a Kotlin Developer.
With gradle ;
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.yamanf:YExtensionKit:1.0'
or with Maven;
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Step 2. Add the dependency
There are some examples about how you can use these extensions.
Print to logcat
val text = "This is text" text.printToLog() val user = User( name = "Yaman", id = 1 ) user.printToLog() // With default log tag user.printToLog(tag = "USER_INFO") // With custom log tag
view.gone() view.visible() view.invisible() // A proper boolean expression should be used for dataFound, loading, and condition. view goneIf dataFound view visibleIf loading view invisibleIf condition
Easy toast messages
toast("Toast Message") toast(R.string.message)
Easy snackbar messages
rootView.snackbar("Snackbar message") rootView.snackbar(R.string.message)
Easily hide keyboard
dp and px conversion
params.setMargins(16.px, 16.px, 16.px, 16.px)
Digit, Alphabetic, and Alphanumeric Check
val isValidNumber = "1234".isDigitOnly // Return true val isValid = "1234abc".isDigitOnly // Return false val isOnlyAlphabetic = "abcABC".isAlphabeticOnly // Return true val isOnlyAlphabetic2 = "abcABC123".isAlphabeticOnly // Return false val isOnlyAlphanumeric = "abcABC123".isAlphanumericOnly // Return true val isOnlyAlphanumeric2 = "abcABC@123.".isAlphanumericOnly // Return
Date Formatter
val currentDate = Date().toStringFormat() val currentDate2 = Date().toStringFormat(format = "dd-MM-yyyy") val date = "2023-01-01".toDate(format = "yyyy-MM-dd")
This library is open for contributions, bug reports, and feature requests. Feel free to submit a pull request or create an issue if you find any bugs or have suggestions for new features. Let's make Kotlin development even more enjoyable!