Provide a simple International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Annotations server. Intended to be paired with Mirador, but can be used as a standalone deployment.
It assumes an outside manifest and canvas server, but can be pointed to by a Mirador endpoint and used to store and retrieve annotations.
One main thrust of Mirador-Annotations is to support the IIIF Layers=>Lists=>Annotations
structure as an alternate way of organizing annotations. For example, a manuscript can be annotated with transcript, translation, and commentary annotations and be organized by those functions along with the standard manifest=>canvas=>annotation_list
See wiki home page for more background and information.
Mirador-Annotations is a standard Ruby on Rails application with the usual deployment steps:
- clone the repository
bundle install
rake db:migrate
- Set
config variables
If you prefer to develop via Docker, define the required variables in the .env
file, then run the following:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run rails rake db:migrate
This will get the containers running in a private network. The rails container is exposed and bound to port 3000 on your local machine by default.
For troubleshooting tips on on developing with docker check the wiki.
Mirador-Annotations receives new annotations in IIIF format and will save to whichever relational database is configured. It will also return requested annotations in IIIF format.
Allows both standard annotations which are bound to a canvas, and "targeting" annotations which are bound to another annotation.
Layers should be created manually, and when a canvas-bound annotation is entered it will automatically add to a list defined by layer and canvas.
Custom method #getAnnotationsForCanvas
is an API call method which will return all annotations which are bound to a given canvas, along with all annotations which target it either directly or indirectly. For example: Annotation 3 targets Annotation 2; Annotation 2 targets standard Annotation 1; Annotation 1 is bound to a canvas.