A Modern Toolkit for Scientific Document Processing from WING-NUS
SciWING is a modern framework from WING-NUS to facilitate Scientific Document Processing. It is built on PyTorch and believes in modularity from ground up and easy to use interface. SciWING includes many pre-trained models for fundamental tasks in Scientific Document Processing for practitioners. It has the following advantages
Modularity - The framework embraces modularity from ground-up. SciWING helps in creating new models by combining multiple re-usable modules. You can combine different modules and experiment with new approaches in an easy manner
Pre-trained Models - SciWING has many pre-trained models for fundamental tasks like Logical Section Classifier for scientific documents, Citation string Parsing (Take a look at some of the other project related to station parsing Parscit, Neural Parscit. Easy access to pre-trained models are made available through web APIs.
Run from Config File- SciWING enables you to declare datasets, models and experiment hyper-params in a TOML file. The models declared in a TOML file have a one-one correspondence with their respective class declaration in a python file. SciWING parses the model to a Directed Acyclic Graph and instantiates the model using the DAG's topological ordering.
Extensible - SciWING enables easy addition of new datasets and provides command line tools for it. It enables addition of custom modules which are PyTorch modules.
You can find our arxiv paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.03807
You can install SciWING from pip. We recommend using a virtual environment to install the package.
pip install sciwing
These are some of the tasks included in SciWING and their performance metrics
Task | Dataset | SciWING model | SciWING | Previous Best |
Logical Structure Recovery | SectLabel | BiLSTM + Elmo Embeddings | 73.2 (Macro F-score) | - |
Header Normalisation | SectLabel | Bag of Words Elmo | 93.52 (Macro F-Score) | - |
Citation String Parsing | Neural Parscit | Bi-LSTM-CRF + GloVe + Elmo + Char-LSTM | 88.44 (Macro F-Score) | 90.45 Prasad et al(not comparable) |
Citation Intent Classification | SciCite | Bi-LSTM + Elmo | 82.16 (Fscore) | 82.6 Cohan et al (without multi-task learning) |
Biomedical NER - BC5CDR (Upcoming) | - | - | - | - |
I2b2 NER (Upcoming) | - | - | - | - |
from sciwing.models.neural_parscit import NeuralParscit
# instantiate an object
neural_parscit = NeuralParscit()
# predict on a citation
neural_parscit.predict_for_text("Calzolari, N. (1982) Towards the organization of lexical definitions on a database structure. In E. Hajicova (Ed.), COLING '82 Abstracts, Charles University, Prague, pp.61-64.")
# if you have a file of citations with one citation per line
from sciwing.models.citation_intent_clf import CitationIntentClassification
# instantiate an object
citation_intent_clf = CitationIntentClassification()
# predict the intention of the citation
citation_intent_clf.predict_for_text("Abu-Jbara et al. (2013) relied on lexical,structural, and syntactic features and a linear SVMfor classification.")
The APIs are built using Fast API. We have APIs for citation string parsing and citation intent classification. There are more APIs on the way. To run the APIs navigate into the api
folder of this repository and run
uvicorn api:app --reload
The demos are built using Streamlit. The Demos make use of the APIs. Please make sure that the APIs are running before the demos can be started. Navigate to the app folder and run the demo using streamlit (Installed along with the package). For example
streamlit run ner_demo.py
Thank you for your interest in contributing. You can directly email the author at (email omitted for submission purposes). We will be happy to help.
If you want to get involved in the development we recommend that you install SciWING on a local machine using the instructions below. All our classes and methods are documented and hope you can find your way around it.
SciWING requires Python 3.7, We recommend that you install pyenv
Instructions to install pyenv are available here. If you have problems installing python 3.7 on your machine, make sure to check out their common build problems site here and install all dependencies.
Clone from git
cd sciwing
Install all the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download spacy models
python -m spacy download en
Install the package locally
pip install -e .
Create directories where sciwing stores embeddings and experiment results
sciwing develop makedirs
sciwing develop download
This will take some time to download all the data and embeddings required for development
Sip some ☕. Come back later
Run Tests
SciWING uses
for testing. You can use the following command to run testspytest tests -n auto --dist=loadfile
The test suite is huge and again, it will take some time to run. We will put efforts to reduce the test time in the next iterations.