This package is a server-side blog aggregator (commonly called a ‘planet’) which is well-suited for aggregating tDiary-based blogs.
See about ‘planet’.
gem build *.gemspec
gem install *.gem
copy and edit config.yaml
run “td2planet.rb config.yaml”
copy output files to public directory if need be
set cron and so on if need be
copy and edit config.yaml
run “ruby -I lib bin/td2planet.rb config.yaml”
same as above
Do not add untrusted feeds. All content:encoded in feeds output to the file of output_html as is, even if content:encoded includes scripts and so on.
To avoid security problem, I recommend to divide the domain of this planet from the domains of other contents. (e.g.
After customize, run “td2planet.rb -n config.yaml” to update output files.
make override templates directory
copy the file under templates to the override templates directory
edit the file
add the override templates directory to templates_path in config.yaml
copy default_formatter.rb or sample_formatter.rb to ./your_formatter.rb
edit the file (you must change class name from DefaultFormatter or SampleFormatter to YourFormatter if the filename is your_formatter.rb)
- Q. Why do this planet outputs content:encoded as is?
I can not keep safe white lists and/or black lists. (see one of white lists: (Japanese))
- Q. Why do not output feeds include contents?
If you use other feed reader, you can import original feeds from opml to the feed reader.
Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2009, 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
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