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Nested Dockerfile for remote multiuser development. Images and notes about them represent projects that Im testing, storing them in a common docker framework minimizes the possibility of code rot.

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Nested Dockerfiles for remote multiuser dev. Projects are specific to torch & ML

This is intended for development, not for deployment.

  • build scripts cache gits to local folders preventing unnecessary downloads.
  • multiple users with sudo rights are created, ssh is set up for remote acess, common caching and data folders are exposed.
  • to allow multiple access to same container, entrypoint is not specified by default instead specifying a command. This allows same container to be run by users using different entrypoints.

Most Docker examples are intended for deployment, but containerization can also be useful for development, the purpose of this project. Deployment projects do not need sudo apt access or multiuser envinronments and require the small footprint. To create a deployment project based on this strip down to only the necessary installs, the images on this project would be too large for efficient deployment.

Structure of the project

OS and CUDA version are passed as baseimage at build time.

Every image takes in a baseimage arg to enable rebuilding and testing projects on new code easily.

ARG baseimage

Designed to be modular with nested images.

xvdp/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04    -> since nvidia regularly deprecates images, I store them to docker xvdp
    ssh                     auth. base (ssh, ports, users, .bashrc) rebuild stack on authorized_keys change
            torch           torch base image (torch 2.0.1, nvdiffrast, drjit, transformers, diffusion, jupyter)
                diffuse:    Diffusion sandbox wip ( iadb wuerstchen )
                lang:       language  sandbox wip ( whisper llama )
                rf:         radiance fields sandbox wip ( kaloin )
                gans:       GAN sandbox wip ( stylegan3 )

            torch       torch >= 2.1
                tts:        text to speech (coqui-ai/TTS, suno-ai/bark)

Build Scripts:

  • Example projects, images/<project>, contain a script and a Dockerfile
  • ./ contains local folders and user info, sourced by Modify to own paths.
  • ./images/ common bash utilities, sourced by

To prevent unnecessary downloads:

  • Github projects are downloaded and cached locally in scripts, instead of pulling on Dockerfile.
  • Env variables (eg. TORCH_HOME, etc.) to cache container runtime installs are called ./dockerrun and other shortcut scripts.

Run Scripts

  • ./dockerrun <args> --cache <shared vol>:<mounted vol> Similar to docker run with extra arg --cache. The cache arg creates a volume argument and environenment variables inside the container which can be used as commond download loctions. Default environments are created for TORCH_HOME, TORCH_EXTENSIONS_DIR, DNNLIB_CACHE_DIR, HUGGINGFACE_HOME, TTS_HOME.
  • ./dockerglrun <args> --cache <shared vol>:<mounted vol> Similar to ./dockerrun for local .Xauth mapping for gl dependent projects, e.g. _gans
  • ./dokrun -i ``./runrf, ./runlang, etc. shortcut scripts do dockerrun for specific projects to further simplify docker run verbosity
bash dockerrun --user 1000 -it --rm --cache $SHR:$VOL $IMG
# is similar to
docker run --user 1000 -it --rm -v $SHR:$VOLs -e TORCH_HOME="${VOL}\torch" -e HUGGINGFACE_HOME="${VOL}\huggingface" $IMG
# alternatively create shortcut, see example script
bash runlang

Notes | Caveats

  • install docker first
  • not tested with Windows


  • vscode development
  • enable remote graphical interface, X11 forwarding thru ssh

base images


Base to other images, creates users and ssh access. Bilt over OS and graphic driverrs, defines users incorporates shh authorized_keys in folder, adds .bashrc, exposes port and adds to /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Based on

./ -b nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04

creates: xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh:latest


  • -b baseimage e.g. nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04
  • local root with authorized_keys file with valid public keys [ default : ~/.ssh ] modified by -r

NOTE: If autorized keys are modified, the entire stack requires rebuilding.


  • -m maintainer, default: xvdp
  • -n name, default: baseimage
  • -t tag, default latest
  • -p port, default 32778
  • bashrc file in Dockerfile folder. copies to $HOME/.bashrc if not present will create empty

Generates a <mantainer>/<name>_shh:<tag>

  • with Creates 3 users [1000 1001 1002] appuser, appuser1, appuser2 part of docker group '999'
  • if bashrc file exists in Dockerfile parent folder -> $HOME/.bashrc
  • exposes <port>
    • to config (docker image inspect <maintainer>/<name>:<tag> -f '{{ .Config.ExposedPorts }}')
    • sets ENV $PORT for reference
    • see section on running

Should be built before any docker image that requires $HOME.


Nested mamba image based on Images are built on (base) env.

./ -b xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh Adds mamba/conda -- used by all subsequent projects

creates: xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba:latest


  • -b baseimage e.g. xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh


  • -m maintainer, default: xvdp
  • -n name, default: baseimage
  • -t tag, default latest

Adds mamba installation on /opt/conda and gives all users write permissions.


./ -b xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba Main workhorse of these projects, collection of general conda/pip libraries required for pytorch based machine learning projects. As new projects are added, this file is updated to include new requirements, includes:

  • pytorch, torchvision, torchaudio, numpy, ffmpeg, sckit & other standard vision libs
  • nvdiffrast, drjit differential rendering packages
  • huggingface diffusers, transformers
  • jupyter: contains an alias to run jupyter to port exposed in image/ssh: jupy enabling remote jupyter deployment
  • warning: this image is too heavy for deployment, build slim image without every library

creates: xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch:latest


  • -b baseimage e.g. xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba
  • -r local project root torchvision.0.15 breaks ffmpeg unless cloned and installed


  • -m maintainer, default: xvdp
  • -n name, default: baseimage
  • -t tag, default latest

Generates a docker image with latest pytorch. Baseimage needs to have appuser user, correct graphics divers to match torch build.

run example

docker run --user 1000 --name torch --gpus device=1 --cpuset-cpus="14-27" -v /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data --network=host -it --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch

Default entry point is bin/bash. Entry point can be redirected to python with --entrypoint python or jupyter.

It can also be started in bash and attached from a different console to jupyter, e.g.

jupyter docker exec -it torch jupyter notebook --allow-root -y --no-browser --ip= --port=32778

sandbox images


Diffusion playground. Incipient, only 2 recent projects added.

fork ->

fork ->

docker run --user 1000 --name d --gpus device=0 --cpuset-cpus="28-41" -v /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data -v /mnt/Data/results:/home/results --network=host -it --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_diffuse


Language models playground

dockerrun --user 1000 --name lang --gpus all --cache /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data -v /mnt/Data/results:/home/results --network=host -it --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_lang


Radford Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision. Project and weights opensourced at

Build and run e.g. whisper myaudio.wav --model medium -o ~/results/whisper -f "srt".

For full set of args look at project README and code


Touvron 2023 LLaMA Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models. Weights must be requested from

# from llama readme
model=(7B 13B 33B 65B)
nproc=(1 2 4 8)
torchrun --nproc_per_node "${nproc[$i]}" --ckpt_dir "${WTS}/${model[$i]}" --tokenizer_path "${WTS}/tokenizer.model" 

Training Requires 80G, inference 24GB. Models are sharded and require

  • 7B - 1GPU
  • 13B - 2GPUS
  • 33B - 4GPUS
  • 65B - 8GPUS


GPT-J 6B 275B 1.3B 2.7B 6.7B 13B 33B


./dockerglrun --user 1000 --name torch --gpus all --cache /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data -network=host -it --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_gans


Randiance fields

  • kaolin
  • gaussian splatting Todo: description add nerf models

run reference

./dockerrun <args>

similar to docker run <args> with extra arg --cache which maps to env and volume: -e and -v with the purpose of replacing ~/.cache with a mounted volume for selected env variables. Modify names and paths inside script.

./dockerrun --user 1000 --name torch --gpus device=0 --cpuset-cpus="0-10" --cache /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data --network=host -it --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch

calls command

docker run --user 1000 --name torch --gpus device=0 --cpuset-cpus=0-10 --network=host -it --rm -v /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -e XDG_CACHE_HOME=/home/weights -e TORCH_HOME=/home/weights/torch -e TORCH_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/home/weights/torch_extensions -e DNNLIB_CACHE_DIR=/home/weights/dnnlib -e HUGGINGFACE_HOME=/home/weights/huggingface xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch

./dockerglrun <args>

similar to .dockerrun transferring .xauthority and $DISPLAY, only enabled for docker using locally. Example:

./dockerglrun --user 1000 --name torch --gpus all --cache /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data --network=host -it --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_gans

calls command

docker run --user 1000 --name torch --gpus all -v /mnt/Data/data:/home/data --network=host -it --rm -e DISPLAY=unix:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /tmp/.docker.xauth:/tmp/.docker.xauth:rw -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth -v /dev:/dev -v /mnt/Data/weights:/home/weights -e XDG_CACHE_HOME=/home/weights -e TORCH_HOME=/home/weights/torch -e TORCH_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/home/weights/torch_extensions -e DNNLIB_CACHE_DIR=/home/weights/dnnlib -e HUGGINGFACE_HOME=/home/weights/huggingface xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_gans docker run

adds a command

  • --user=1000 as user 1000
  • --user=$(id -u):$(getent group docker | cut -d: -f3) as current user on docker group
  • --group-add $(getent group docker | cut -d: -f3) add to docker group
  • -it interactive transfer signals
  • -d detached
  • --name container name
  • --entrypoint /bin/bash | -entrypoint python overwrite cmd
  • --rm autoremove on exit


  • -p 32778:32778 port mapping, port must be allowed thru firewall
  • --network=host if sshd set up (as in dok/images/ssh/Dockerfile)

resources ram and cpu

  • docker info | grep "Total Memory" # RAM, (equivalent to free -g in docker)
  • docker info | grep CPU # num CPUs
    • or lscpu | grep "CPU(s)" # CPUs and distribution on NUMA nodes

resources gpu

  • apt-get install nvidia-container-runtime && which nvidia-container-runtime-hook
  • docker run -it --rm --gpus all ubuntu nvidia-smi (equivalent to nvidia-smi in docker)
  • nvidia-smi topo -m connection matrix, cpus, gpus, links, numa affinities.
  • nvidia-smi topo -p2p rw read write peer to peer connections (ie. are gpus nvilinked)

resource allocation #

  • --gpus all or --gpus device=0 or --gpus '"device=0,1"'
  • --cpuset-cpus="0-13" # when assigning cpu and gpus, check topology to ensure they are on the same numa nodes.
  • --cpus=0.5 # 50% of CPU time
  • --memory=32g # limits memory (in this case to 32G) a container can use regardless of other processes, default: unlimited
  • --kernel-memory# limits memory a container can use of the free memory, containers wait for availability, default: unlimited

volumes: shared memory, drives, data backup

  • -v /mnt/share:/home/share mount shared volumes (physical:container)

shared volume e.g. /mnt/share has to have read and write permisions to every user in shared group

  • cd /mnt/share && sudo chown -R root:docker /mnt/share && sudo chmod -R 775 /mnt/share


  • Ctrl+P,Ctrl+Q Detach sequence if run with -it without stopping container
  • exit exits and stops container
  • docker start $name

Multiple services from one container

  • It is not recommended as some processes can remain services can remain hanging, but it is possible
  • TODO: use tmux
  • connecting to entrypoint from more than one client, mirrors consoles
  • exec different commands on the same detached container is possible, see exec and attach example below

run examples

To run from clients on images stored in server

  1. add valid autorized_keys file on client user ssh-keygen -t rsa. Save to cat >> <mydir_with_authorized_keys>/authorized_keys
  2. expose server port to ufw sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw allow <port> && sudo ufw allow ssh # TODO validate
  3. create and switch to remote context on client machine
docker context create --docker host=ssh://<user>@<server>--description='Remote Image' <my_remote_image>
docker context use <my_remote_image>
docker context ls
  1. Build: images/
# having created a file with ssh pub keys in $AUTH_ROOT/autorized_keys
# having a local folder with projects $PROJ_ROOT
cd ssh && ./ -b nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04  -r $AUTH_ROOT
cd ../mamba && ./ -b xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh
cd ../torch && ./ -b xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba
# local pip installable projects can be run with -i $myproject or -g ${gituser/gitproject} - clones and caches locally
cd ../diffrast_example && ./ -b xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch -g  NVlabs/nvdiffrast -r $PROJ_ROOT

Run with locally shared folder -v

# runs -i interactive -t transfering key shortcuts --rm removed container on exit
docker run --gpus all -it --network=host --user 1000 -v /mnt/share:/home/share --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_diffrast_example

# ssh Dockerfile creates 3 users. Container /home/share links to prior created, root:docker chowned /mnt/share
(base) appuser@<myservername>:~$ ls -lah /home
total 28K
drwxr-xr-x  1 root     root     4.0K Apr 21 20:35 .
drwxr-xr-x  1 root     root     4.0K Apr 21 20:35 ..
drwxr-xr-x  1 appuser  appuser  4.0K Apr 21 20:37 appuser
drwxr-xr-x  1 appuser1 appuser1 4.0K Apr 21 19:45 appuser1
drwxr-xr-x  1 appuser2 appuser2 4.0K Apr 21 19:45 appuser2
drwxrwxrwx+ 7 root     docker   4.0K Apr 21 18:08 share

(base) appuser@<myservername>:~$ python
Python 3.9.16 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Feb  1 2023, 21:39:03) 
[GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import nvdiffrast
>>> nvdiffrast.__version__

Run detached (-d) named (--name) persistent container on partial cpu/gpu

# explicitly name container, with -dit: detached, interactive, tty
docker run --user=1000 --name VQDemo --gpus device=1 --cpuset-cpus="26-52" -v /mnt/share:/home/share --network=host -dit xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_face
# attach 2 services, on one console, jupyter on the other the default entry point
docker exec -it VQDemo_changed jupyter notebook --allow-root -y --no-browser --ip= --port=32778 # console 1
docker attach VQDemo # console 2
  • to remove docker container rm --force $IMAGE_ID
  • docker rm VQDemo

jupyter notebook --no-browser


committing creates a new image

# if container add63186840f is open
docker commit add63186840f xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_face_commit
# can be then be loaded w other options, e.g. different mounted volume, different resources, etc
docker run --user=1000 --name VQDemo_with_changes --gpus device=0 --cpuset-cpus="0-13" -v /mnt/OTHERFOLDER:/home/NEWSHARE --network=host -dit xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_face_commit
docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                       COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                      PORTS     NAMES
b50a7b37b123   xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_face_commit   "/opt/nvidia/nvidia_…"   14 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds                         VQDemo_with_changes
add63186840f   xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch_face          "/opt/nvidia/nvidia_…"   21 hours ago     Exited (130) 1 hour ago               VQDemo
# since run as -dit, attach to open container
docker attach VQDemo_with_changes


  • The network=host solution appears to enable any number of users to login sharing environments.
  • per port access can be also run passing -p 32728:32778 but then more need to be ufw allowed for more users.
# run on specific port
docker run --gpus all -it -p 32728:32778 --user 1000 -v /mnt/share:/home/share --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch
# run leveraging sshd config
docker run --gpus all -it -v /mnt/share:/home/share --network=host --rm xvdp/cuda1180-ubuntu2204_ssh_mamba_torch:latest


Docker Documentation referenced in this project

Visual Studio with Docker

User Comments and Examples


  • enable firewall   sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status
  • expose port   sudo ufw allow $PORTN
  • check port status   nmap localhost -p $PORTN
  • Check open ports   netstat -lntu (-l listening -n port number -t tcp ports -u udp ports)


Nested Dockerfile for remote multiuser development. Images and notes about them represent projects that Im testing, storing them in a common docker framework minimizes the possibility of code rot.







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