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How to create a plugin for

Plugin directory structure:

  • index.js — plugin code
  • icon.png — icon for the marketplace
  • any other files your plugin may need

index.js skeleton:

xroom.plugin = {
    /* Three required methods */
    isSupported () {
      // called to check if plugin is supported in the current browser
      // must return a boolean
    register ({roomId: string, myPeerId: string}) {
      // called when plugin is loaded (both hot load and load on start)
      // roomId will be not null when plugin started when already in a room
      // myPeerId is a connection ID, equal to peerId of how other peers see it
    unregister () {
      // called when plugin is unloaded

    /* Optional stuff */
    events: { ... },
    translations: { ... },

Exposed API

Method Description Arguments Returns
addIcon Add icon to UI {title: string, onClick: function, svg: Component}
addUI Add own UI {component: Component} Reference to component in DOM
appendScript Load a script {src: string} Script ID
appendStyle Load a style file {src: string} Style ID
getStreams Get media streams {local: MediaStream, remote: Record<string, MediaStream>}
goToRoom Go to a new room {roomId: string, preview: boolean}
kickPeer Kick a peer peerId
listPeers List all room peers Array of peers
removeElement Remove an element from DOM Element reference ID
removeIcon Remove icon from UI
renderControls Rerender UI, useful for dynamic icons
sendData Send data to peer(s) with this plugin {data: string, to: string}
sendMessage Post a message to chat {type: string, content: string, to: string}
setPeerVis* Set peer container visibility {peerId: string, off: boolean}
setRoomLock Lock/unlock the current room Lock flag
setRoomPassword Set/reset room password Password (null to reset)
setLocalAP* Set local audio processor A processing AudioNode
setLocalVideo Substitute local video {track: MediaStreamTrack, reset: boolean}
suggestPlugin Suggest this plugin to all peers
updateCard Update own user card elements {name: string}

*) not yet available in v3 API

Exposed events

Event Description Payload
data/in Incoming rtc data via plugins data channel {pluginId, data, peerId}
localStream/changed Local stream changed
peer/added Peer entered a room {peerId, peerCount}
peer/card Peer card updated {peerId, card}
peer/muteSet Peer muted/unmuted self {peerId, camOn, micOn}
peer/removed Peer quit a room {peerId, peerCount}
room/exit You quit a room {roomId}
room/ready Room layout is ready after entry {roomId}
ss/kick Server kicked you on behalf of peerId {peerId}
ss/lockSet Room lock status changed Lock flag
ss/onJoin You entered a room {roomId, status, ?isLocked}
ss/onReadRoom Room pre-enter status updated {id, ?type, ?access: {lock, password}, ?peerCount, ?hostCount}
ss/passwordSet New room password Password string
ss/passwordReset Room password removed
chat/message New message in chat { peerId, data, type }, peerId = 'me' for local posts
chat/input Chat input changed currentValue

ss/...–events are automatically generated events based on signaling server commands. We will add more to the documentation soon.

Using events

Starting from v2 you can utilize automatic plugin event management. Simply define events field in your plugin object with event keys and corresponding handlers, e.g.: {
    'room/ready': onRoomReady,
    'room/exit': onRoomExit,

Translations support

  1. Add translations object to the root.
  2. Add keys for supported languages, e.g. { en: {...}, ru: {...} }
  3. English (en) must be present, as it is used as a fallback. If your plugin uses only one language that is not English we recommend placing all the data into en for simplicity's sake.
  4. Language objects from p.2 must have keys, can be arranged in a tree if complexity needed, e.g. en: { a: { b: 'hello'}, c: 'world }
  5. Use xroom.i18n.t( /* your key here, e.g. 'a.c' from the example above */ )

Audio context

In case you need to access's current audio context it is available as a read-only value

Message boxes

Message boxes are exposed to plugins as xroom.mbox. Example usage:

  key -- pressed button key
  value -- returned value
const [key, value] = await xroom.mbox({
  title: 'Optional title',
  text: 'Optional content',
  html: 'Optional HTML content',
  input: 'text',                        // optional input mode: text, range
  buttons: [{                           // optional, defaults to one OK button
    ok: 'OK',
    cancel: 'Cancel',
  defaultValue: 'ololo',                // default value for inputs
  imageUrl: '...'                       // optional image URL (dataURL supported)

Core UI components

Starting from Themes v2 core UI components are available for all the plugins. The library is exposed as xroom.ui. Here's a usage example:

const { Dialog, Button } = xroom.ui

return (
   <Button primary>Hello</Button>

UI components manual will be added soon. Until then please refer to the examples in this repository.

Developing locally

To be able to develop and test your code locally open the plugin manager on, click Add on "Add new plugin" line, input plugin name and its root URL, that is a path to a remote directory. Both index.js and icon.png must be present in that directory.

As loads a plugin from another origin (e.g. localhost:3000) so please assure your server feeds CORS headers, at least:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS

You can use this package to solve CORS problem quickly:

# install
npm install http-server -g

# run from the build directory
http-server --cors


MIT License


Version 2021-03-10


Open source plugins for Feel free to fork and improve.







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