#Iron Router Output
Automatically builds an Iron-Router route that will output the routes currently registered in your application.
Simple install the package mrt add iron-router-output
after, if you wish to view the routes registered to Iron-Router pass in the routesUri
configuration option.
routesUri: '_routes'
now you can navigate to http://localhost:3000/_routes
(or whatever your apps url is).
#Example Output
Name Path Controller Action
_router_uri /_routes IronRouterOutputController index
items /items itemsController index
edit-item /items/edit/:id itemsController edit
show-item /items/:id itemsController show
new-item /items/new itemsController new
create-item /items/create itemsController create
delete-item /items/delete/:id itemsController delete
destroy-item /items/destroy/:id itemsController destroy