The MamoPay PHP library offers seamless integration with the MamoPay API for PHP-based applications, streamlining access and enhancing functionality.
A minimum of PHP 5.6.0 up to 8.1
You can install the package via Composer:
composer require xplicit-dev/mamopay
Obtain your API Key:
Log in to the MamoPay dashboard (
and navigate to the Developer section to get your API key.
Instantiate MamoPay Client:
use MamoPay\Api\MamoClient;
$client = (new MamoClient('API_KEY'));
For sandbox testing, pass 'true' as second parameter:
$client = (new MamoClient('API_KEY',true));
The resources can be accessed via the $client
object. All the methods invocations follow the following pattern
// $client->class()->function() to access the API
The MamoClient SDK allows you to utilize resources not listed within this package. This flexibility enables you to leverage any additional resources provided by the MamoPay API without constraints.
use MamoPay\Api\MamoClient;
$client = (new MamoClient('API_KEY'));
$params = ['card_id' => $card_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency];
$response = $client->httpClient->sendRequest('end_point',$params,HttpClient::METHOD_POST);
The resource to generate vanilla and subscription payment links
- generate vanilla payment link:
see params here
$params = ['is_widget' => true , 'save_card'=>true];
$response = $client->links()->create($title,$amount,$returnUrl,$params);
this will return a \MamoPay\Api\Objects\PaymentLink object
$id = $response->id;
$payment_url = $response->payment_url;
- Fetching all Payment Links:
- Update Payment Link:
- Delete Payment Link:
- Fetch Payment Link Info:
Initiate transactions by merchant (Merchant Initiated Transaction)
Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) allows a business to use card details, that were stored during previous transactions, to charge their customers.
$charge = $client->transaction()->create($card_id,$amount);
this will return a \MamoPay\Api\Objects\TransactionInfo object
refer :
$chargeID = $charge->id;
- Fetch Transaction Info
- Fetch all Transactions
- Refund Payment
- Fetches all subscribers of subscription.
- Fetches all subscription payments made against a Recurring Payment item.
- Unsubscribe subscription
- Cancels an existing recurring payment. This is NOT to unsubscribe a customer from a recurring payment that they have subscribed to. This deletes a previously created subscription for a business.
- Fetch all Disbursements
Issue Disbursements
- Allows the issuance of disbursement
$client->payout()->issue($account_no, $amount, $first_name, $last_name = '', $reason = '', $transfer_method = 'BANK_ACCOUNT');
- Allows the issuance of disbursements in bulk
use MamoPay\Api\Objects\Disbursement;
$client = (new MamoClient());
$disbursement[0] = (new Disbursement())->set([
'account' => 'AE080200000123223333121',
'amount' => 10,
'first_name_or_business_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
$disbursement[1] = (new Disbursement())->set([
'account' => 'AE080200000123223333121',
'amount' => 20.5,
'first_name_or_business_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'reason' => 'refund for lorem ipsum',
$disbursements = $client->payout()->issueMultiple($disbursement);
-Webhook registration for updates on one-off payment statuses and subscription payment statuses.
$client->webhook()->create($uri,$events,'authentication header');
this will return \MamoPay\Api\Objects\WebhookInfo object
- WebhookEvent class contain all event constants
use MamoPay\Api\Events\WebhookEvent;
$response = $client->webhook()->create("",WebhookEvent::ALL_EVENT_TYPES,'authentication header');
$response = $client->webhook()->create("",[WebhookEvent::CHARGE_CARD_VERIFIED,WebhookEvent::CHARGE_SUCCEEDED]);
$webhookId = $response->id;
- Fetches all registered webhooks for a given business
- update webhook details
$client->webhook()->update($webhookId,"",WebhookEvent::ALL_EVENT_TYPES,'authentication header');
- Delete a registered webhook
- Fetches all Recipients.
- Create Recipient Allows a user to create recipient.
$recipient = (new RecipientInfo())->set([
'recipient_type' => RecipientInfo::RECIPIENT_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL,
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'relationship' => RecipientInfo::RELATIONSHIP_CUSTOMER,
'reason' => 'Payment for services',
'eid_number' => '784-XXXX-XXXXXXX-0',
'address' => (new Address())->set([
'address_line1' => '123 Main Street',
'address_line2' => 'Apt 4B',
'city' => 'Dubai',
'state' => 'AE',
'country' => 'AE'
'bank' => (new Bank())->set([
'iban' => 'AE080200000123223333121',
'account_number' => '123223333121',
'name' => 'ABC Bank',
'bic_code' => 'ABCDUAE123',
'address' => 'XYZ Bank Tower, Dubai',
'country' => 'AE'
this will return a \MamoPay\Api\Objects\RecipientInfo object
- Update Recipient Allows a user to update recipient details.
$recipient = (new RecipientInfo())->set([
'recipient_type' => RecipientInfo::RECIPIENT_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL,
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'relationship' => RecipientInfo::RELATIONSHIP_CUSTOMER,
'reason' => 'Payment for services',
'eid_number' => '784-XXXX-XXXXXXX-0',
'address' => (new Address())->set([
'address_line1' => '123 Main Street',
'address_line2' => 'Apt 4B',
'city' => 'Dubai',
'state' => 'AE',
'country' => 'AE'
'bank' => (new Bank())->set([
'iban' => 'AE080200000123223333121',
'account_number' => '123223333121',
'name' => 'ABC Bank',
'bic_code' => 'ABCDUAE123',
'address' => 'XYZ Bank Tower, Dubai',
'country' => 'AE'
this will return a \MamoPay\Api\Objects\RecipientInfo object
recipientID is the recipient identifier returned when creating a recipient.
- Fetch Recipient Allows a user to fetch recipient details.
- Delete Recipient Allows a user to delete recipient.
Create Virtual Corporate Card A Virtual Corporate Card (VCC) is a digital payment solution for businesses to simplify corporate expenses like travel and accommodations.
Parms :
amount The amount on the VCC card. The value can not exceed the card balance.
email Cardholder’s email address. Card holder must be completed KYC.
booking_id Booking reference in case the card will be used for a 1 time booking.
verification_email The email address that will be used for verification purposes.
$client->card()->create(float $amount, string $email, string $booking_id='', string $verification_email = '', array $params = []);
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.