This is our first try in creating a modular iWidget installation. The project is based on Enhydris platform (
Our purpose is to add each widget with its proper name (e.g. uc011, uc031, etc). There should be a README file in each widget app describing what the widget does.
There is an extra requirement. The library "Dickinson" which is not included in the requirements.txt. This is how to install it.
- Download Dickinson from
- Unpack it in your ~/tmp directory
- run ./configure and make inside the new directory
- sudo make install for system wide installation
(optional) You might need to add "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib" in your .bashrc file for pthelma to find Dickinson
- enhydris: This is the core Enhydris app. Most of the functionality lies inside this application.
- iwidget: This app includes some extra generic functionality regarding the iWIDGET project and it is coupled with the functionality which is necessary for Use Case C_UC01.1: Obtain total water consumption and costs using real-time data from smart meters. We have to uncouple this functionality and create a new app (see bellow).
- tl: This app is necessary for iwidget to run. To be honest I don't know what it does. But it is needed. As soon as I know what it does. I will update this README.
- uc011: This is an empty app, waiting for the extra functionality regarding Use Case C_UC01.1 of iwidget to be put here.