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Add binary/zstd encoding method.
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lihaochen910 committed Dec 4, 2021
1 parent 015d409 commit 4bf3a9b
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Showing 4 changed files with 176 additions and 17 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [0.2.2] - 2021-12-04

### Added

- Add support for encoding asset to seq[byte]
- Add zstd compression
- Add zstd and base64 combined encoding (zstd -> byteArrayToString -> base64)

## [0.2.1] - 2021-07-28

### Changed
Expand Down
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ nimassets `Nim Assets` is heavily inspired by [go-bindata](

## Usage
nimassets 0.2.1 (Bundle your assets into nim file)
-h | --help : show help
-v | --version : show version
-o | --output : output filename
-f | --fast : faster generation
-d | --dir : dir to include (recursively) [can be used multiple times -d=DIR1 -d=DIR2 ...]
nimassets 0.2.2 (Bundle your assets into nim file)
-h | --help : show help
-v | --version : show version
-o | --output : output filename
-f | --fast : faster generation
-d | --dir : dir to include (recursively) [can be used multiple times -d=DIR1 -d=DIR2 ...]
-t | --type : binary | base64 | zstd | base64zstd
-cl | --compresslevel : compress level for zstd, default is 3

### Bundle
Expand All @@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ nimassets -d=templatesdir -o=assetsfile.nim

`-f` or `--fast` flag can help with large assets directories

`-t` or `--type` encoding method, default is base64

### Use Assets
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nimassets.nimble
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ skipDirs = @["examples", "tests"]
# Dependencies

requires "nim >= 1.4.0"
requires "zstd >= 0.5.0"

proc build() =
exec "nimble build --threads:on -d:release"
Expand Down
168 changes: 158 additions & 10 deletions src/nimassets.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import

Expand All @@ -16,26 +17,155 @@ const buildCommit* = staticExec("git rev-parse HEAD") ## \
# const latestTag* = staticExec("git describe --abbrev=0 --tags") ## \
## `latestTag` latest tag on this branch

const versionString* = &"0.2.1 ({buildBranchName}/{buildCommit})"
const versionString* = &"0.2.2 ({buildBranchName}/{buildCommit})"

const assetsFileHeader = """
const assetsFileHeaderBinary = """
import tables
var assets: Table[string, seq[byte]]
proc getAsset*(path: string): seq[byte] =
result = assets[path]
proc getAssetToStr*(path: string): string =
proc toString(bytes: openArray[byte]): string =
result = newString(bytes.len)
copyMem(result[0].addr, bytes[0].unsafeAddr, bytes.len)
result = toString(getAsset(path))

const assetsFileHeaderBase64 = """
import tables, base64
var assets: Table[string, string]
proc getAsset*(path: string): string =
result = assets[path].decode()
func toByteSeq(str: string): seq[byte] {.inline.} =
## Copy ``string`` memory into an immutable``seq[byte]``.
let length = str.len
if length > 0:
result = newSeq[byte](length)
copyMem(result[0].unsafeAddr, str[0].unsafeAddr, length)
proc getAssetToByteSeq*(path: string): string =
result = toByteSeq (getAsset path)

const assetsFileHeaderZstd = """
import tables, zstd/decompress
var assets: Table[string, seq[byte]]
proc getAsset*(path: string): seq[byte] =
result = decompress(assets[path])
proc getAssetToStr*(path: string): string =
proc toString(bytes: openArray[byte]): string =
result = newString(bytes.len)
copyMem(result[0].addr, bytes[0].unsafeAddr, bytes.len)
result = toString(getAsset(path))

const assetsFileHeaderBase64Zstd = """
import tables, base64, zstd/decompress
var assets: Table[string, string]
func stringToByteSeq(str: string): seq[byte] {.inline.} =
## Copy ``string`` memory into an immutable``seq[byte]``.
let length = str.len
if length > 0:
result = newSeq[byte](length)
copyMem(result[0].unsafeAddr, str[0].unsafeAddr, length)
proc byteArrayToString(bytes: openArray[byte]): string =
result = newString(bytes.len)
copyMem(result[0].addr, bytes[0].unsafeAddr, bytes.len)
proc getAsset*(path: string): seq[byte] =
result = decompress(stringToByteSeq(assets[path].decode()))
proc getAssetToStr*(path: string): string =
result = byteArrayToString(getAsset path)

type DataType = enum
tBinary = 1
tBase64 = 2
tZstd = 3
tBase64Zstd = 4

var dataType : DataType = tBase64
var compressLevel : int = 3

proc byteArrayToString(bytes: openArray[byte]): string =
result = newString(bytes.len)
copyMem(result[0].addr, bytes[0].unsafeAddr, bytes.len)

func stringToByteSeq(str: string): seq[byte] {.inline.} =
## Copy ``string`` memory into an immutable``seq[byte]``.
let length = str.len
if length > 0:
result = newSeq[byte](length)
copyMem(result[0].unsafeAddr, str[0].unsafeAddr, length)

proc handleFile(path: string): string {.thread.} =
var val, valString: string
val = readFile(path).encode()
valString = "\"\"\"" & val & "\"\"\""

stdout.write fmt"{path} ... "
case dataType
of tBinary:
let file : File = open(path)
var input = newSeq[byte](file.getFileSize())
discard file.readBytes(input, 0, file.getFileSize())
valString = "@[byte "
for i, b in input:
if i < input.len - 1:
valString &= fmt"0x{toHex(b)},"
valString &= fmt"0x{toHex(b)}]"
of tBase64:
val = readFile(path).encode()
valString = "\"\"\"" & val & "\"\"\""
of tZstd:
let file : File = open(path)
var input = newSeq[byte](file.getFileSize())
discard file.readBytes(input, 0, file.getFileSize())

stdout.write fmt"zstd-level:{compressLevel} ... "
let compressed = compress(input, level=compressLevel)

stdout.write "build_string ... "
valString = "@[byte "
for i, b in compressed:
if i < compressed.len - 1:
valString &= fmt"0x{toHex(b)},"
valString &= fmt"0x{toHex(b)}]"
of tBase64Zstd:
# zstd -> byteArrayToString -> base64
let file : File = open(path)
var input = newSeq[byte](file.getFileSize())
discard file.readBytes(input, 0, file.getFileSize())

val = byteArrayToString(compress(input, level=compressLevel)).encode()
stdout.write fmt"zstd-level:{compressLevel} ... "
valString = "\"\"\"" & val & "\"\"\""

if detectOs(Windows):
result = &"""assets["{escape(path, prefix="", suffix="")}"] = {valString}""" & "\n\n"
result = &"""assets["{path}"] = {valString}""" & "\n\n"
stdout.write "ok\n"

proc generateDirAssetsSimple*(dir: string): string =
for path in expandTilde(dir).walkDirRec():
Expand All @@ -56,7 +186,12 @@ proc generateDirAssetsSpawn*(dir: string): string =
proc createAssetsFile*(dirs:seq[string], outputfile="assets.nim", fast=false, compress=false) =
generator: proc(s:string): string
data = assetsFileHeader
data =
case dataType
of tBinary: assetsFileHeaderBinary
of tBase64: assetsFileHeaderBase64
of tZstd: assetsFileHeaderZstd
of tBase64Zstd: assetsFileHeaderBase64Zstd

if fast:
generator = generateDirAssetsSpawn
Expand All @@ -72,11 +207,13 @@ proc writeHelp() =
#-c | --compress : compress
echo &"""
nimassets {versionString} (Bundle your assets into nim file)
-h | --help : show help
-v | --version : show version
-o | --output : output filename
-f | --fast : faster generation
-d | --dir : dir to include (recursively)
-h | --help : show help
-v | --version : show version
-o | --output : output filename
-f | --fast : faster generation
-d | --dir : dir to include (recursively)
-t | --type : binary | base64 | zstd | base64zstd
-cl | --compresslevel : compress level for zstd

proc writeVersion() =
Expand All @@ -103,6 +240,17 @@ proc cli*() =
# of "compress", "c": compress= true
of "type", "t":
case val
of "binary":
dataType = tBinary
of "base64":
dataType = tBase64
of "zstd":
dataType = tZstd
of "base64zstd":
dataType = tBase64Zstd
of "compresslevel", "cl": compressLevel = parseInt(val)
of "fast", "f": fast = true
of "dir", "d": dirs.add(val)
of "output", "o": output = val
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