Command Line UI components for Node.js
:: Setup :: Usage :: Test :: Build
Installing this module in your project
yarn add nodeui
# or via npm
npm install nodeui
import * as chalk from 'chalk';
import {Banner, Gauge, Spinner, Sparkline, Progress, Line, LineBuffer} from 'nodeui'
(async () => {
try {
const banner = new Banner(' Node UI is Awesome! See what you can build with this module ');
let spinner = new Spinner('initial message');
await sleep(800);
spinner.message = 'still working...';
await sleep(800);
spinner.message = 'almost done...';
await sleep(800);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error:::', err)
async function* getProgressSlowly() {
let progress = 0;
while (progress <= 100) {
await sleep(50);
progress += Math.round(Math.random() * 5);
if (progress >= 100) {
yield 100;
} else {
yield progress;
async function startDownload() {
let myProgress = new Progress(50,'Finished download!'));
for await (let progress of getProgressSlowly()) {
myProgress.update(progress, 100)
(async () => {
console.log('Starting downloads...');
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
yarn run build
# ts-node examples.js
ts-node --disableWarnings examples.ts
yarn run test
yarn run prepublishOnly
cd dist
npm publish