A collection of resources during our studying years in NUS SoC Which does not only contain the modules we took, but everything we've came across while struggling through the course :)
Largely organised by CS Focus Areas
- General Resources, or things to make your NUS life easier
- Learning to Program, which includes resources for foundation programming modules (i.e. CS1010, CS1020...)
- Algorithms and Theory
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Networks
- Computer Security
- Database Systems
- Interactive Media
- Information Retrieval
- Parallel Computing
- Programming Languages
- Software Engineering
- Mobile Development
- Web Development
- Technical Interviews and other tips
- Physics and Mathematics, because we all have to take them in our degree requirements
- Information Systems Modules
- Other NUS Modules: GEM/ SS modules
- Others: Free Academic Resources, cool coding-related links, and some troubleshoots
- Building the list
- CS Programme Requirements
- NUS SoC Focus Areas
- SoC Course Catalogue
- NUSMods for Timetable Planning
- Collation of NUS related links
- NUS Computing Slack
- Introduction to Sunfire
- Basic Vim commands & Switch to Vim for Good
- Basic UNIX commands
- Resources for Freshman by Mr. Aaron Tan
- ReadPeer IVLE for reading and organising IVLE notes
- Foundation Of Computer Science(Online Textbook)
- Bash Handbook on Github
- Vogella Github handbook
- Learn Enough Command Line to be Dangerous
- MS Dos Basics
- Powershell Basics: It would be a plus if you know C# prior!
- CS1010 Programming Methodology
- Learning C in Chinese
- CS1020E
- Learning C++ in Chinese
- Learning C++ in English
- Self-learning C++ website
- C/C++ References
- CS1020E Unofficial Resources
- CS3241 Computer Graphics (Using OpenGL with C++)
- Getting the OpenGL library
- Self-learning Resources
- Learning C# in English
- Learning Python in English
- Python References
- CS1020 & CS2010 Data Structures and Algorithms
- Learning Java in Chinese
- Learning more about algorithms
- CS2100 Computer Organisation
- CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- The 2010 Version
- MIT Introduction to Algorithms Book. Also the textbook used in CS3230.
- MIT Similar Course
- Davin's Cheat Sheet for Midterm
- Big O Notation Explanation Article
- MIT Big O Notation Lecture Notes
- A Beginner's Guide to Big O Notation
- Big O Notation Cheat Sheet
- A very complete Algorithms Cheat Sheet by algorhythm
- Big O Complexity Cheat Sheet
- CS3233 Competitive Programming
- CS4232 Theory of Computation
- CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CS3244 Machine Learning
- CS4246 AI Planning and Uncertainity
- CS5228 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- The 2014 page
- Recommender Systems and Social Web 2014
- Kaggle Competition
- Data Science iPython Notebooks
- Mining of massive datasets(Second Edition). Leskovec, Jure, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey David Ullman. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- How Do I become a Data Scientist on Quora
- 60 Free Data Science Books
- CS5340 Uncertainity Modelling in AI
- CS5246 Text Processing on the Web
- CS6101 Deep Learning for Vision
- CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
- CS3103 Computer Networks & Protocols
- CS4274 Mobile & Multimedia Networking
- CS4344 Networked and Mobile Games
- CS2107 Introduction to Security
- CS3235 Computer Security
- CS5231 System Security
- CS2102 Database Systems
- CS3247 Game Development
- CS3249 User Interface Development
- CS4243 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- CS4347 Sound and Music Computing
- CS4350 Game Development Project
- CS5240 Theoretical Foundations in Multimedia Computing
- CS5233 Simulation and Modelling Techniques
- CS2108 Introduction to Media Computing
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Interactive Guide
- [Image Dittering Demo] (http://www.unitzeroone.com/examples/ImageDithering/index.html)
- [Open Source JS Image Effects and Filters] (http://joelb.me/jsmanipulate/)
- CS3245 Introduction to Information Retrieval
- CS3246 Multimedia Content Analysis and Search
- CS4242 Social Media Computing
- CS4248 Natural Language Processing
- CS3210 Parallel Computing
- CS2104 Programming Languages Concepts
- CS2103/T: Software Engineering
- CS3216 Software Development for Digital Markets
- CS3217 Software Engineering on Modern Application Platforms
- Android Developers Getting Started
- Google Material Design Principles
- Collated List of Android Resources
- Awesome Android
- CodePath's Guide to Android
- Objective-C online video course by Stanford University
- Swift online video course by Stanford University - SAME PROFESSOR!
- Simple-to-use web-based prototyping application using images for iPhone - 30 days free trial
- NSHipster is a journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa. Updated weekly.
- One-stop website for tutorials for specific functionalities
- CS3226 Web Programming and Applications
- Learning about web applications
- Some tutorials
- PHP References
- Getting started
- Top Rails Resources
- Codecademy's Ruby course
- Codecademy's Learn RoR course
- Codecademy's RoR Authentication course
- M Hartl's Rails Tutorial everyone loves
- One Month Rails
- Getting started on AngularJS
- Getting started on Angular 2
- 'Differences between AngularJS and Angular 2' on Quora
- AngularJS tutorial by Tutorialspot
- Free basic course from Codeschool
- Codecademy's Learn AngularJS course
- Thinkster: A Better Way to Learn AngularJS
- AngularJS cheatsheet
- Amazing github repo for blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS
- AngularJS YouTube channel
- More links
- System Design Interview
- LeetCode
- CareerCup
- GeeksforGeeks
- Also see competitive programming platforms under CS3233 Competitive Programming
- Jin Zhe's practices in Java (if it's of any help)
- What happens when you type google.com into your browser and press enter?
- How would you implement Google Search?
- Job Puzzles
- Github Awesome Interviews
- Technical Interviews Study Resources
- Top Coder revision
- Hacker Rank Cracking the Coding Interview Practices
- Algorithms tutorials by Top Coder's Data Science Community
- Lots of Cheatsheets from LifeHacker
- Yang Shun's Interview Handbook
- Programming Interviews Exposed
- From a Googler: the Google interview process (MUST READ)
- Long but worthwhile read by beloved Steve Yegge
- "Hacking a Google Interview" by MIT
- APAC Google interview experience/process by Emanuel Saringan
- CS1231 Discrete Structures
- LSM1301 General Biology
- MA1505 Mathematics I
- MA1506 Mathematics II
- MA1521 Calculus for Computing
- MA1101R Linear Algebra I
- Textbook: Linear Algebra: Concepts and Techniques on Euclidean Spaces by Ng Kah Loon. Can only buy at NUS Co-Op
- A textbook from UBC that serves its purpose
- Stanford CS229 Linear Algebra Review
- MA2213 Numerical Analysis
- MA2214 Combinatorics and Graphs I
- ST2334 Probability and Statistics
- ST2132 Mathematical Statistics
- ST2137 Computer Aided Data Analysis
- ST4234 Bayesian Statistics
- PC1221 Fundamentals of Physics I
- PC1222 Fundamental of Physics II
- General Mathematics Stuff
- IS1105 Strategic IT Applications
- [Jin Zhe's condensed notes](resources/IS1105/IS1105 NOTES.docx)
- IS2102 Requirements Analysis and Design
- IS2103 Enterprise Systems Development Concepts
GEK1505 Living With Mathematics (It is similar to CS1231)
GEK1508 Einstein's Universe & Quantum Weirdness
GEK1509 Introduction To The Nanoworld
GEK1520/ PC1322 Understanding the Universe
GEM2900 Understanding Uncertainty and Statistics
GEM2901 Reporting Statistics in the Media
GEK1527 (or LSM1302) Genes and Society
GEK1521 Physics In the Life Sciences
Other Modules, IDEs, Resources, Cool Stuff, ...
- PH1102E Introduction to Philosophy
- Jin Zhe's summarized notes
- Abraham Kang's notes
- CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
- Reflections Blog by Ms Isabel Chew
- Codecademy
- Codeschool
- Tutorial Spot
- PluralSight (free 90-day trial for students)
- Thinkster
- Code Avengers
- Treehouse
- Udacity
- Khan Academy
- Awesome Courses
- Cool Youtube Channels for Learning Programming
- Awesome Collated List by Sindresorhus
- Rosetta Code presents algorithms in as many different languages as possible
- Online IDE and Terminal for almost all languages!
- 40 key computer science terms explained in ways your boss can understand
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
- Notes to NUS Freshmen from the Future, written by some Seniors
- Slack off From Your Job Today and spend some time giggling
- Collection of articles, videos, and resources made by designers at Facebook
- Jin Zhe's programming cheatsheets
- Learning Office 365 APIs in English
- CMU Grad School Talk
- Help us build the list! (how)