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TYPO3 extension that integrates metrics into the backend dashboard

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TYPO3 integration

Goaccess is an open source log analyzer which extracts metrics from a multitude of web log formats and visualizes them in your terminal or as html. Metrics can be exported to json and csv. This TYPO3 extensions ships Dashboard widgets and a backend module to display various metrics.




composer require xima/xm-goaccess
  • Install and configure goaccess to generate json and/or html output to a directory
  • Make sure the webserver user has read access to the generated files


To enable the backend module, set the path to the generated html via extension configuration:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['xm_goaccess']['html_path] = '/tmp/goaccess/goaccess.html';

To make the new dasboard widgets work, you need to pass the path to the generated json file:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['xm_goaccess']['json_path] = '/tmp/goaccess/goaccess.json';


You can add single widgets to your custom dashboard or use the preset that creates a new dashboard with all available goaccess integrations.


Goaccess installation on Debian/Ubuntu:

The application is written in go and available from the standard repositories of multiple Linux distributions. A repository for Debian/Ubuntu is also provided. See the [official documentation[( for a complete guide.

apt install goaccess

HTML and JSON exports for the TYPO3 extension can be generated from Apache logs as follows:

usr/bin/zcat --force /var/log/apache2/* | \ # You usually want to parse rotated and gzipped logs as well.
    /usr/bin/goaccess -
    -o goaccess.html -o goaccess.json                           \ # Export processed metrics as html and json.
    --log-format=COMBINED                                       \ # Apache Combined Log Format. Custom log formats are supported, too.
    --ignore-crawlers                                           \ # Ignore web crawlers.
    --exclude-ip ::1 --exclude-ip                     \ # Exclude status checks originating from local ip addresses.

To refresh these files periodically, you might use a cronjob, e.g.:

*/15 * * * /usr/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/goaccess; chmod 750 /tmp/goaccess; /home/user/