Materials or code that I have used to learn machine/deep learning.
- src/: source code
- Unittest/: unit test for source code
- notebooks/: jupyter notebooks
- scripts/: python scripts
- data/: training data
Refer to cookiecutter-data-science-structure for machine learning project structure
- Traditional Machine Learning
- Generalized Linear Model
- Linear regression (Lasso, Ridge)
- logistic regression
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Decision tree
- ID3 decision tree
- C4.5 decision tree
- Random Forest
- Gradient Boosted Tree
- Naive Bayes
- Clustering
- K-means
- Hierarchical Clustering
- Generalized Linear Model
- Deep Learning
- (Deep) Reinforcement Learning
- Multi-bandit
- Contextual multi-bandit
- Q learning
- Deep Q-learning
- Policy gradient
- Actor-Critic
- ....
- Multi-bandit
- Representation Learning
- Application
- Recommendation
- Deep Semantic Similarity Model(DSSM)
- YoutubeDNN
- Matrix Factorization (MF)
- Factorization Machine (FM)
- Wide & deep
- DeepFM
- Recommendation
- Multi-agent System
- Udacity - Machine Learning DevOps Nanodegree Program
- Tensoflow: avanced technique specialization
- Personalize Expedia Hotel Searches - ICDM 2013
- Amazon KDD Cup 2023 - Build Multilingual Recommendation System