Automated way to create baremetal images with packer and qemu-kvm for Openstak Ironic deployments Have a look to install Ironic server (standalone)
Those images use cloud-init with config-drive provider, in order to work with IPA (Ironic Python Agent) driver.
- Install packer from
# Download packer (choose the latest version)
wget -O /tmp/
sudo unzip /tmp/ -d /usr/local/bin
rm -f /tmp/
- Install qemu-kvm
# Install the packages
sudo apt-get install qemu-utils virtinst virt-viewer libguestfs-tools
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu-system libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager
# Your user should be part of the libvirtd group to manage vms
sudo adduser $USER libvirtd
sudo adduser $USER kvm
# change the current group ID during this session.
newgrp libvirtd
newgrp kvm
# Check if everything is working:
virsh -c qemu:///system list
- Run a packer template
# Building an ubuntu baremetal image
cd ubuntu
packer build ubuntu-14.04.latest-amd64.json
# output in the new folder output-ubuntu-14.04
- Optionally, copy to Ironic server and use it
# Based on
# the variable is baremetal_server_images_path (on the ironic role is ironic_pxe_images_path)
md5sum output-ubuntu-14.04/trusty.qcow2 > output-ubuntu-14.04/trusty.meta
# Upload the meta and qcow2 files to the HTTP repository
curl -T output-ubuntu-14.04/trusty.qcow2 http://<IRONIC-SERVER>/images/
curl -T output-ubuntu-14.04/trusty.meta http://<IRONIC-SERVER>/images/
José Riguera López