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Faker authored and Faker committed Jul 10, 2022
1 parent 6b6053d commit 2d241c9
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Showing 2 changed files with 10,066 additions and 12 deletions.
72 changes: 60 additions & 12 deletions jd_mofang.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
* 京东-新品-魔方
* rabbit log
* cron: 10 9,12,15 * * *
* const $ = new Env('京东新品-集魔方兑换-本地log版');
* cron: 10 8 * * *
* Fix by HarbourJ
* TG:
* 默认魔方满3/6自动兑换
* 已内置log,不定时更新,若火爆请在HarbourTouluChat反馈以便及时更新log。

import {requireConfig, wait, post, get} from './TS_USER_AGENTS'
import {existsSync} from "fs";
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'

let cookie: string = '', res: any = '', UserName: string, index: number, log: string = ''
let rabbitToken: string = process.env.RABBIT_TOKEN || '', tg_id: string = process.env.TG_ID || '', mf_logs: any
let mf_logs: any, logApi: boolean = false // 若有log接口请改为true并修改line174接口地址

!(async () => {
if (existsSync('./test/mf_log.ts')) {
mf_logs = require('./test/mf_log').mf_logs
if (existsSync('./utils/mf_log.ts')) {
mf_logs = require('./utils/mf_log').mf_logs
} else {
console.log('./test/mf_log not found')
console.log('./utils/mf_log not found')
let cookiesArr: any = await requireConfig()
for (let i = 0; i < cookiesArr.length; i++) {
cookie = cookiesArr[i]
UserName = decodeURIComponent(cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^;]*)/)![1])
index = i + 1

if (logApi === true) {
res = await api("functionId=getInteractionHomeInfo&body=%7B%22sign%22%3A%22u6vtLQ7ztxgykLEr%22%7D&appid=content_ecology&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0")
let sign: string = res.result.taskConfig.projectId
let sign: string = res.result.taskConfig.projectId, reward: string = res.result.taskConfig.projectPoolId, rewardSign: string = res.result.giftConfig.projectId

res = await api(`functionId=queryInteractiveInfo&body=%7B%22encryptProjectId%22%3A%22${sign}%22%2C%22sourceCode%22%3A%22acexinpin0823%22%2C%22ext%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0&appid=content_ecology`)
for (let t of res.assignmentList) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,9 +106,53 @@ let rabbitToken: string = process.env.RABBIT_TOKEN || '', tg_id: string = proces
} else if (t.assignmentName === '去新品频道逛逛') {

res = await api(`functionId=queryInteractiveRewardInfo&body=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"encryptProjectPoolId":reward,"sourceCode":"acexinpin0823","ext":{"needPoolRewards":1,"needExchangeRestScore":1}}))}&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0&appid=content_ecology`)
let sum: number = res.exchangeRestScoreMap["368"]
console.log('当前碎片', sum+'片')
if (sum >= 6) {
for (let k = 1; k <= Math.floor(sum / 6); k++) {
log = await getLog()
res = await api(`functionId=doInteractiveAssignment&body=${JSON.stringify({"encryptProjectId": rewardSign, "encryptAssignmentId": "wE62TwscdA52Z4WkpTJq7NaMvfw", "sourceCode": "acexinpin0823", "itemId": "", "actionType": "", "completionFlag": "", "ext": {"exchangeNum": 1}, "extParam": {"businessData": {"random": log.match(/"random":"(\d+)"/)[1]}, "signStr": log.match(/"log":"(.*)"/)[1], "sceneid": "XMFDHh5"}})}&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0&appid=content_ecology`)
if (res.subCode === '0') {
} else {
console.log('收集失败', res.msg)
await wait(3000)

res = await api(`functionId=queryInteractiveRewardInfo&body=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"encryptProjectId": rewardSign, "sourceCode": "acexinpin0823", "ext": {"needExchangeRestScore": "1"}}))}&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0&appid=content_ecology`)
let score: number = res.exchangeRestScoreMap["367"]
console.log('当前魔方', score+'个')
if (score >= 6) {
log = await getLog()
res = await api(`functionId=doInteractiveAssignment&body=${JSON.stringify({"encryptProjectId": rewardSign, "encryptAssignmentId": "42pP1FaQ4FTMurVsJpZhiFJXCZox", "sourceCode": "acexinpin0823", "itemId": "", "actionType": "", "completionFlag": "", "ext": {"exchangeNum": 1}, "extParam": {"businessData": {"random": log.match(/"random":"(\d+)"/)[1]}, "signStr": log.match(/"log":"(.*)"/)[1], "sceneid": "XMFDHh5"}})}&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0&appid=content_ecology`)
if (res.subCode === '0') {
console.log('兑换6魔方成功:', res.rewardsInfo.successRewards['3'][0].rewardName)
score -= 6
} else {
console.log('兑换6魔方失败:', res.msg)
if (score >= 3) {
log = await getLog()
res = await api(`functionId=doInteractiveAssignment&body=${JSON.stringify({"encryptProjectId": rewardSign, "encryptAssignmentId": "khdCzL9YRdYjh3dWFXfZLteUTYu", "sourceCode": "acexinpin0823", "itemId": "", "actionType": "", "completionFlag": "", "ext": {"exchangeNum": 1}, "extParam": {"businessData": {"random": log.match(/"random":"(\d+)"/)[1]}, "signStr": log.match(/"log":"(.*)"/)[1], "sceneid": "XMFDHh5"}})}&client=wh5&clientVersion=1.0.0&appid=content_ecology`)
if (res.subCode === '0') {
console.log('兑换3魔方成功:', res.rewardsInfo.successRewards['3'][0].rewardName)
score -= 3
console.log('剩余魔方', score+'个')
} else {
console.log('兑换3魔方失败:', res.msg)
console.log('剩余魔方', score+'个')
} else {
Expand All @@ -121,9 +170,8 @@ async function api(params: string) {

async function getLog() {
if (rabbitToken && tg_id) {
console.log('rabbit log api')
let {data} = await get(`${tg_id}&token=${rabbitToken}`)
if (logApi === true) {
let data = await get("此处填写logApi") //若有,请把log接口填写在此处
return `'"random":"${data.random}","log":"${data.log}"'`
} else if (mf_logs) {
return mf_logs[Math.floor(Math.random() * mf_logs.length)]
Expand Down

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