provid a convenient way to share state between diffrent scenes
- 添加maven仓库地址到项目的build.gradle文件(add maven repositories in project build.gradle):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- 添加该库的依赖到模块的build.gradle文件(add dependency for this library in module build.gradle):
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.xiangning17:sharedflowstore:1.0.1'
// 获取UserInfo类型标志的MutableStateFlow, 所有UserInfo对象调用sharingStateFlow
// 都返回同一个MutableStateFlow对象,是以“共享状态”,内部使用WeakReference实现,
// 当项目中对返回的对象的所有强引用都释放时,会自动释放
// get MutableStateFlow of UserInfo, any instance of UserInfo invoke sharingStateFlow
// will get the same instance of MutableStateFlow, so we can share state with other.
val user = UserInfo("Tom", logined = false, money = 0f).sharingStateFlow()
// 也可以使用name参数对同一种类型生成代表不同含义的状态,下面返回一个的Int型名为“like”的共享状态,用来共享获赞的数量
// to get a shared state, you can also pass a 'name' to sharingStateFlow
// val like = 5.sharingStateFlow(name = "like")
// 观察user的改变
// observe change event of user
user.onEach { Log.e(TAG, "main collect: $it") }
// 会将logined为true的状态作为最新状态传递给所有观察者
// this will deliver new state with 'logined=true' to all observers
UserInfo("Tom", logined = true, money = 0f).sharingStateFlow()
.onEach { Log.e(TAG, "io collect: $it") }
.launchIn(mainScope + Dispatchers.IO)
// 通过持有的user对象主动改变MutableStateFlow的状态
// change the MutableStateFlow state
user.value = user.value.apply { money = 100f }