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misc: add toy dialect (#380)
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superlopuh authored Jan 27, 2023
1 parent d06ebfd commit 25e2dc7
Showing 1 changed file with 322 additions and 0 deletions.
322 changes: 322 additions & 0 deletions docs/Toy/toy/
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@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
Toy language dialect from MLIR tutorial.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Annotated, List, TypeAlias, Union, Optional, Any, cast

from import Dialect, SSAValue
from xdsl.dialects.builtin import (Float64Type, FunctionType, Attribute,
FlatSymbolRefAttr, TensorType,
UnrankedTensorType, f64,
DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr, AnyTensorType,
from xdsl.irdl import (OpAttr, Operand, OptOpAttr, OptOperand, VarOpResult,
VarOperand, irdl_op_definition, AnyAttr, Block, Region,
Operation, OpResult)
from xdsl.utils.exceptions import VerifyException

TensorTypeF64: TypeAlias = TensorType[Float64Type]
UnrankedTensorTypeF64: TypeAlias = UnrankedTensorType[Float64Type]
AnyTensorTypeF64: TypeAlias = TensorTypeF64 | UnrankedTensorTypeF64

class ConstantOp(Operation):
Constant operation turns a literal into an SSA value. The data is attached
to the operation as an attribute. For example:
%0 = toy.constant dense<[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]>
: tensor<2x3xf64>
name: str = "toy.constant"
value: OpAttr[DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr]
res: Annotated[OpResult, TensorTypeF64]

def from_list(data: List[float], shape: List[int]):
value = DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr.tensor_from_list(data, f64, shape)

return ConstantOp.create(result_types=[value.type],
attributes={"value": value})

def verify_(self) -> None:
if not self.res.typ == self.value.type:
raise VerifyException(
"Expected value and result types to be equal: "
f"{self.res.typ}, {self.value.type}")

class AddOp(Operation):
The "add" operation performs element-wise addition between two tensors.
The shapes of the tensor operands are expected to match.
name: str = 'toy.add'
arguments: Annotated[VarOperand, AnyTensorTypeF64]
res: Annotated[OpResult, AnyTensorTypeF64]

def from_summands(cls: type[AddOp], lhs: SSAValue, rhs: SSAValue) -> AddOp:
assert isinstance(lhs.typ, TensorType | UnrankedTensorType)
element_type = cast(Float64Type,
cast(TensorType[Any], lhs.typ).element_type)
return cls.create(result_types=[element_type], operands=[lhs, rhs])

def verify_(self):
if not len(self.arguments):
raise VerifyException("Expected AddOp args to not be empty")

shape = None
for arg in self.arguments:
# Expect shapes to be the same whenever they are defined, no check for unranked
if isinstance(arg.typ, TensorType):
if shape is None:
shape = arg.typ.shape
if shape != arg.typ.shape:
raise VerifyException(
"Expected AddOp args to have the same shape")

class FuncOp(Operation):
The "toy.func" operation represents a user defined function. These are
callable SSA-region operations that contain toy computations.
toy.func @main() {
%0 = toy.constant dense<5.500000e+00> : tensor<f64>
%1 = toy.reshape(%0 : tensor<f64>) to tensor<2x2xf64>
toy.print %1 : tensor<2x2xf64>
name = 'toy.func'
body: Region
sym_name: OpAttr[StringAttr]
function_type: OpAttr[FunctionType]
sym_visibility: OptOpAttr[StringAttr]

def from_region(name: str, ftype: FunctionType, region: Region):
return FuncOp.create(attributes={
"sym_name": StringAttr.from_str(name),
"function_type": ftype,
"sym_visibility": StringAttr.from_str("private"),

def from_callable(name: str,
input_types: List[Attribute],
return_types: List[Attribute],
func: Block.BlockCallback,
private: bool = False):
type_attr = FunctionType.from_lists(input_types, return_types)
attributes = {
"sym_name": name,
"function_type": type_attr,
if private:
attributes["sym_visibility"] = "private"
[Block.from_callable(input_types, func)])

def verify_(self):
# Check that the returned value matches the type of the function
if len(self.body.blocks) != 1:
raise VerifyException("Expected FuncOp to contain one block")

block = self.body.blocks[0]

if not len(block.ops):
raise VerifyException("Expected FuncOp to not be empty")

last_op = block.ops[-1]

if not isinstance(last_op, ReturnOp):
raise VerifyException(
"Expected last op of FuncOp to be a ReturnOp")

operand = last_op.input
operand_typ = None if operand is None else operand.typ

return_typs =

if len(return_typs):
if len(return_typs) == 1:
return_typ = return_typs[0]
raise VerifyException(
"Expected return type of func to have 0 or 1 values")
return_typ = None

if operand_typ != return_typ:
raise VerifyException(
"Expected return value to match return type of function")

class GenericCallOp(Operation):
name: str = "toy.generic_call"
arguments: Annotated[VarOperand, AnyAttr()]
callee: OpAttr[FlatSymbolRefAttr]

# Note: naming this results triggers an ArgumentError
res: Annotated[VarOpResult, AnyTensorTypeF64]

def get(cls: type[GenericCallOp], callee: Union[str, FlatSymbolRefAttr],
operands: List[Union[SSAValue, OpResult]],
return_types: List[Attribute]) -> GenericCallOp:
if isinstance(callee, str):
callee = FlatSymbolRefAttr.from_str(callee)

return cls.create(operands=operands,
attributes={"callee": callee})

class MulOp(Operation):
The "mul" operation performs element-wise multiplication between two
tensors. The shapes of the tensor operands are expected to match.
name: str = 'toy.mul'
arguments: Annotated[VarOperand, AnyTensorTypeF64]
res: Annotated[OpResult, AnyTensorTypeF64]

def from_summands(cls: type[MulOp], lhs: SSAValue, rhs: SSAValue) -> MulOp:
return cls.create(result_types=[lhs.typ], operands=[lhs, rhs])

def verify_(self):
if not len(self.arguments):
raise VerifyException("Expected MulOp args to not be empty")

shape = None
for arg in self.arguments:
# Expect shapes to be the same whenever they are defined, no check for unranked
if isinstance(arg.typ, TensorType):
if shape is None:
shape = arg.typ.shape
if shape != arg.typ.shape:
raise VerifyException(
"Expected MulOp args to have the same shape")

class PrintOp(Operation):
The "print" builtin operation prints a given input tensor, and produces
no results.
name: str = 'toy.print'
arguments: Annotated[VarOperand, AnyAttr()]

def from_input(cls: type[PrintOp], input: SSAValue) -> PrintOp:
return cls.create(operands=[input])

class ReturnOp(Operation):
The "return" operation represents a return operation within a function.
The operation takes an optional tensor operand and produces no results.
The operand type must match the signature of the function that contains
the operation. For example:
func @foo() -> tensor<2xf64> {
toy.return %0 : tensor<2xf64>
name: str = 'toy.return'
input: Annotated[OptOperand, AnyTensorTypeF64]

def from_input(cls: type[ReturnOp],
input: Optional[SSAValue] = None) -> ReturnOp:
return cls.create(operands=[input] if input is not None else [])

class ReshapeOp(Operation):
Reshape operation is transforming its input tensor into a new tensor with
the same number of elements but different shapes. For example:
%0 = toy.reshape (%arg1 : tensor<10xf64>) to tensor<5x2xf64>
name: str = 'toy.reshape'
arguments: Annotated[VarOperand, AnyTensorTypeF64]
# We expect that the reshape operation returns a statically shaped tensor.
res: Annotated[OpResult, TensorTypeF64]

def from_input(cls: type[ReshapeOp], input: SSAValue,
shape: List[int]) -> ReshapeOp:
assert isinstance(input.typ, TensorType | UnrankedTensorType)
element_type = cast(Float64Type,
cast(TensorType[Any], input.typ).element_type)
t = AnyTensorType.from_type_and_list(element_type, shape)
return cls.create(result_types=[t], operands=[input])

def verify_(self):
result_type = self.res.typ
assert isinstance(result_type, TensorType)
result_type = cast(TensorTypeF64, result_type)
if not len(
raise VerifyException(
'Reshape operation result shape should be defined')

class TransposeOp(Operation):
name: str = 'toy.transpose'
arguments: Annotated[Operand, AnyTensorTypeF64]
res: Annotated[OpResult, AnyTensorTypeF64]

def from_input(input: SSAValue):
input_type = input.typ
assert isinstance(input_type, TensorType | UnrankedTensorType)
output_type: TensorType[Any] | UnrankedTensorType[Any]
if isinstance(input_type, TensorType):
element_type = cast(Float64Type,
cast(TensorType[Any], input_type).element_type)
output_type = TensorType.from_type_and_list(
element_type, list(reversed(
elif isinstance(input_type, UnrankedTensorType):
output_type = input_type
assert False, f'{input_type}: {type(input_type)}'

return TransposeOp.create(operands=[input], result_types=[output_type])

Toy = Dialect([
ConstantOp, AddOp, FuncOp, GenericCallOp, PrintOp, MulOp, ReturnOp,
ReshapeOp, TransposeOp
], [])

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