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Improvements in v3.1.0
xceed.com edited this page Jul 11, 2017
2 revisions
Released July 11, 2017.
37 bug fixes and improvements
- In PropertyGrid, expandable PropertyItems will now be able to specify the sub-PropertyItems that will be displayed.
- In PropertyGrid, new methods will now be available to set the vertical scrolling position.
- In PropertyGrid, modifying a PropertyItem many times will not longer create a memory leak since the PropertyItem's subscription to the PropertyChanged event will now be cleared when unneeded.
- In PropertyGrid, editing a List or Collection of objects, containing a List or Collection of sub-objects, will no longer cause a crash.
- In PropertyGrid, the Reset Value command will now be available when the property ShowAdvancedOptions is set to True.
- In PropertyGrid, new methods are now available to expand/collapse, from code-behind, all the PropertyItems or specific propertyItems.
- In PropertyGrid, doing a mouse over the SearchTextBox will no longer resize the PropertyGrid's controls.
- In PropertyGrid, an expandable propertyItem of type Array will now always be ordered by their index.
- In AvalonDock, closing a LayoutDocument by clicking the "X" button, when it is not the current one, will no longer cause a crash.
- In AvalonDock, dragging a maximized floating window will now update its IsMaximized property.
- In AvalonDock, unhiding an auto-hidden LayoutAnchorable will no longer cause a crash.
- In AvalonDock, Having the focus on a LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow or LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindow will now set the Highlight brush on its border.
- In CheckComboBox, the method UpdateText is now virtual. A user can override it to prevent automatic updates of the Text property based on SelectedItems.
- In ChildWindow, modifying the Content when the WindowStartupLocation is centered will now always pop the ChildWindow in the center of its parent.
- In CheckComboBox and CheckListBox, the SelectedMemberPath property now supports nested paths.
- In CheckComboBox, when the DisplayMemberPath property is used for a nested path, the SelectedValue string will now display selected strings based on the DisplayMemberPath.
- In CheckComboBox, the checkBoxes will no longer become disabled when the Text property is set by the user.
- In ColorPicker, setting the property DisplayColorAndName to True and using new ColorItems with specific color names as the available colors will no longer display color "hex" names. The specific color names will now be used.
- In ColorPicker, the new property MaxDropDownWidth is now available to customize the width of the popup.
- In CollectionControl, when a collection item A has a property of type collection (or list) B, adding an item to B will no longer add a null collection (or list).
- In DateTimePicker, the new property CalendarWidth is now available to set the size of the Calendar inside the popup.
- In DateTimePicker, the included TimePicker.Step property will now be bound to DateTimePicker.Step.
- In DateTimePicker, TimePicker and DateTimeUpDown, the UpdateValueOnEnterKey is now True by default. This will let user completely type the DateTime before the validation occurs. Also, the key inputs ".,/:" will no longer move the focus to another DateTime part.
- In DateTimePicker, clicking the TimePicker's TextBox, Spinners or ToggleButton while the TimePicker popup is opened will now close the TimePicker popup.
- In TimeSpanUpDown, DateTimeUpDown and FilePicker, the Tab navigation is now available.
- In MaterialSlider, the TickFrequency is now respected when the ShowTicks property is set to False.
- In MaskedTextBox, removing the Mask will now correctly remove the underlined characters from the Text property.
- In MaterialToast, the slide in of toasts can now be done from left or right edges.
- In NumericUpDowns, DateTimeUpDown, DateTimePicker, TimePicker, TimeSpanUpDown, CalculatorUpDown, PrimitiveTypeCollectionControl, ColorPicker, FilePicker and MultiLineTextEditor, calling the Focus method on these controls will now give them the focus.
- In RangeSlider, the properties TickPlacement and TickFrequency will now be available to display the Ticks.
- In RangeSlider, the property IsSnapToTickEnabled will now be available to snap the dragging thumb to the next tick mark.
- In RangeSlider, the new properties AutoToolTipPlacement and AutoToolTipPrecision will now be available to position and set the precision for the ToolTip of a Thumb.
- In StyleableWindow, ChildWindow and MessageBox, when setting the properties WindowThickness and WindowBorderThickness to 0, there will no longer remain a 1 pixel border.
- In StyleableWindow, an implicit style for StyleableWindowKey is now defined.
- In TimeSpanUpDown, the new property ShowSeconds is now available.
- In TokenizedTextBox, removing a SelectedItem will no longer cause a crash.
- In ValueRangeTextBox, when the property BeepOnError is true, the beep will now be heard when the value is out of range or of the wrong type.
Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on July 12, 2016.
56 improvements and bug fixes
- 37 bug fixes and improvements from the free release listed above, plus 19 more listed here.
- All controls in the Toolkit now have a Windows 10 theme.
- In Chart, the new property Axis.LabelDecimalCount can now be used to specify the decimal count for axis labels.
- In Chart, axes will no longer duplicate DateTime labels.
- In Chart, the column bars will now have a MinWidth of 5 pixels, preventing very thin bars for series with a large range.
- In ListBox, combining SelectionRanges with predicates along with SelectionRanges without predicates will now correctly update the SelectedItems.Count.
- In MaterialTabItem, the property CornerRadius is now available to customize the corners the of TabItems.
- In MaterialTabControl, the BorderThickness property will now affect the header part.
- In MaterialSlider, using a binding on the Value property will no longer freeze the thumb's movement.
- In RadialGauge, a binding can now be set on the Maximum property.
- In RadialGauge, the GaugePortion.Portion property is now a DP and binding is available.
- In RadialGauge, the marker's position are now updated when the Marker.Value is changed.
- In SlideShow, modifying the properties CurrentIndex or CurrentItem will now play the sliding animation.
- In SlideShow, the VerticalContentAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment will now align the content correctly.
- In StyleableWindow, MaterialToast can now be shown.
- In ToggleSwith, clicking on the thumb will now also toggle the switch.
- In TokenizedTextBox, defaulting with the property IsDropDownOpen true will now open the suggestion popup if the Text property can be found in the ItemsSource.
- In TokenizedTextBox, the performance of filtering is now improved for large number of TokenizedTextBoxItems.
- In PropertyGrid, the PrimitiveTypeCollectionEditor will now set its Editor.ItemType based on any generic type objects.
- In PropertyGrid, the new property IsExpandingNonPrimitiveTypes is now available to expand and edit non-primitive type properties. The Collections/List of objects can now be expanded to edit their sub-items.
Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on November 21, 2016.
New controls
- IconButton control. Lets you easily add an icon and some data to a button’s content. Also makes it easier to customize the “Background”, “BorderBrush” and “Foreground” properties on “MouseOver” and “MousePressed” events.
- MaterialHamburger control. Hamburger menu control for building apps with the Material Design look.
44 improvements and bug fixes
- In MaterialSwitch, when unchecked, the "CheckBackground" will no longer be visible behind the thumb. (Plus Only)
- In Chart, when "loaded" and "displayed", adding dataPoints will now correctly align the dataPoints and the grid lines. (Plus Only)
- In AvalonDock, the MetroAccent theme can now be set from XAML. (Plus Only)
- In ChildWindow, double-clicking on the caption bar will no longer maximize it when the "ResizeMode" is set to "NoResize" or "CanMinimize". (Plus Only)
- In MaterialToast, the MaterialToast defined in XAML will no longer throw an exception when its property "IsOpen" becomes true. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialToast, if the MaterialToast is defined in XAML and its "IsOpen" property is changed while the sliding in/out animation is still active, the MaterialToast will no longer become invisible. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialToast, calling the "HideToast()" and "ShowToast()" methods will no longer destroy a binding on the "IsOpen" property. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialToast, the close button will now always be enabled when calling the default constructor. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialToast, the new events "Showing" and "Hiding" are now raised when the control starts to show/hide. (Plus Only)
- In DateTimeUpDown, DateTimePicker and TimePicker, an exception will now be raised to remind the user to set a "FormatString" when the format is set to custom. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialToast, setting the "VerticalContentAlignment" and "HorizontalContentAlignment" properties are now templatebound properly. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialTabControl, starting with a null "SelectedItem" and clicking on a new MaterialTabItem will no longer cause a crash. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialTabControl, when the "SelectedItem" is null, the first MaterialTabItem will no longer have a null Foreground. (Plus Only)
- In Magnifier, when the mouse is not moving, modifying the "ZoomFactor" property will now keep its content centered. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialTextField, setting a "Text" without a "Watermark" will no longer cause a crash upon loading. (Plus Only)
- In ChildWindow, MessageBox, StyleableWindow and WindowControl, the new event "Activated" will now be raised when the "IsActive" property becomes true. (Plus Only)
- In Expander, when using with "ExpanderDirection" set to "Left" or "Right" under the Metro/Office2007 themes, the arrow and the text will now correctly be aligned. (Plus Only)
- In TokenizedTextBox, using the "SelectedItemsOverride" property while the TokenizedTextBox is placed inside a DataTemplate will no longer crash. (Plus Only)
- In TokenizedTextBox, when the "ItemsSource" is a CollectionViewSource and this CollectionViewSource is modified, typing(or removing text) in the TokenizedTextBox will no longer cause a crash. (Plus Only)
- In DataGridControl, the DataGridCheckBoxes will no longer have a blue Background. (Plus Only)
- In AvalonDock, dragging a FloatingWindow to the top of the screen will now maximize it.
- In all controls, when a ControlTemplate is redefined with a missing templated part name, the application will no longer cause a crash.
- In all UpDown controls, setting the "MouseWheelActiveTrigger" property to "MouseOver" will now work as expected.
- In ChildWindow, MessageBox, StyleableWindow and WindowControl, the new event "Activated" will now be raised when the "IsActive" property becomes true.
- In DateTimePicker, TimePicker and DateTimeUpDown, the modification of "UpdateValueOnEnterKey" property will no longer be supported. It will always be "True" to simplify input validation.
- In the TimeSpanUpDown, typing a large value for hours, minutes or seconds will no longer reset the "Value" property.
- In the Zoombox, when using the scrollBars, clicking on the scrollBar's tracks will now scroll by a page.
- In AvalonDock, the new property "AllowDuplicateContent" will now prevent from having 2 identical LayoutDocuments/LayoutAnchorables in a single pane.
- In the PropertyGrid, using the property "PropertyDefinitions" on an expanded PropertyItem(to display specific sub-propertyItems) will now work properly.
- In AvalonDock, serializing a custom LayoutDocument (or LayoutAnchorable) in a LayoutFloatingWindow will now be possible.
- In DateTimePicker, when modifying the template of the DateTimePicker to use a MaskedTextBox as the "PART_TextBox" templated part, the caret position will now be correctly updated while typing.
- In PropertyGrid, a horizontal scrollBar will now be displayed when needed.
- In SplitButton and DropDownButton, the property "IsDefault" is now available.
- In PropertyGrid, defining a custom editor as an attribute in another assembly will now be found properly.
- In PropertyGrid, when using grouping, the outOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when typing text in the SearchTextBox.
- In SplitButton and DropDownButton, using an implicit style on type "Button" will no longer affect them.
- In PropertyGrid, the "DataContext" of a custom editor will no longer be overwritten.
- In PropertyGrid, the attribute "DefaultValue" will now set in bold the "Value" of the corresponding PropertyItem when equal.
- In PropertyGrid, the "Update()" method will no longer throw a null reference exception.
- In MaskedTextBox, if the "Mask" property is ">"( or "<"), all the input characters will be converted to upper case(or lower case).
- In PropertyGrid, the "DisplayName" attribute of a fake type, used by an ICustomTypeProvider, will now be displayed as the SelectedObject's type.
- In PropertyGrid, the new property "IsVirtualizing" can now be used to virtualize the PropertyItems.
- In Zoombox, the property ViewFinder will now have a setter to add your own Zoombox's ViewFinder.
- In ColorPicker, tabs are now used to switch from "standard" to "advanced" view.
Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on March 1, 2017.
45 improvements and bug fixes
- All the toolkit’s controls now support UI Automation.
- Major update to DataGrid control providing significantly improved performance, reliability and functionality.
- In PropertyGrid, searching propertyItem names in expandable Properties is now available. (Plus Only)
- In TokenizedTextBox, the event ItemSelectionChanged is now raised when TokenizedTextBox.SelectedItems adds or removes items(visually or in code-behind). (Plus Only)
- In the Windows 10 theme, windows will now have the proper default Foreground brush. (Plus Only)
- In PropertyGrid, the new property IsExpanded on CategoryDefinition can now be used to define the expanded/collapsed status of a category at loading time. (Plus Only)
- In PropertyGrid, using the attribute “RefreshProperties” on a property and modifying this Property, will now refresh the PropertyGrid and restore the categories states (expanded/collapsed). (Plus Only)
- In Chart, a binding on the Area.Title property will now work if the Chart is located in a DataTemplate. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialTabControl, when space is limited, the MaterialTabItems will no longer be displayed on multi-lines. Instead, you will now be able to scroll between tabitems. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialSlider, setting the orientation to vertical and modifying the thumb’s position will no longer crash or set a wrong final position. (Plus Only)
- In PropertyGrid, Advanced option icons will now be visible when using multi-selected objects. (Plus Only)
- In MessageBox, setting the owner with a window handle is now possible when using the new public methods “Show”.
- In CollectionControl, when the ItemsSource is null and items are added to a new list, changes will now be persisted.
- In CollectionControl, when the ItemsSource is null and items are added to a new array, changes will now be persisted.
- In PropertyGrid, the new event IsPropertyExpandable will now be raised for every PropertyItem in order to set the expandable status of each propertyItem.
- In AvalonDock, an AutoHide LayoutAnchorable will now always appear on top of other controls.
- In Zoombox, the viewbox factor will now be properly updated when the content of the zoombox changes its size.
- In Wizard, the “Cancel” button is now on right as in standard controls. Also, the “Finish” button will now appear in place of the “Next” button when the property “CanFinish” becomes true.
- In DateTimePicker, modifying the date will now keep the previously set time.
- In RichTextBox, binding the Text property one-way will now work as expected.
- In DropDownButton and SplitButton, the new property DropDownContentBackground can now be used to set the popup content’s Background.
- In ColorCanvas, omitting the ‘#’ character while setting a new Hexadecimal color will no longer reset to the old color. Instead, the ‘#’ will automatically be applied.
- In ColorCanvas, ByteUpDowns are now used to edit the ARGB values.
- In AvalonDock, LayoutAnchorables can now be closed when their CanClose property is set to true. Or, they can now be hidden when their CanHide property is true.
- In AvalonDock, pinning a LayoutAnchorable to a LayoutAnchorSide will no longer crash after loading a Layout.
- In AvalonDock, Deserializing a layout with AutoHidden LayoutAnchorables will no longer crash.
- In AvalonDock, un-hiding a LayoutAnchorable after deserialization will no longer make the Layoutanchorable disappear.
- In PropertyGrid, the new property ShowHorizontalScrollBar can now be set to show/hide the horizontal scrollbar.
- In ColorPicker, the new property DisplayColorTooltip can now be set to show/hide the popup preset color name tooltips.
- In PropertyGrid, properties of type TextBlock will now use a characterEllipsis text trimming.
- In CollectionControlDialog, cloning an object with no default constructor and clicking the Cancel button will no longer crash.
- In ColorCanvas, the conversion RGB to HSV is now correctly done.
- In DropDownButton, setting an ItemsControl as the DropDownContent will now show its items.
- In Magnifier, the new method “Freeze” is now available to stop/restart the magnifier from following the mouse position.
- In PropertyGrid, the propertyItem names that passes the filter will now be highlighted in yellow.
- In PropertyGrid, exceptions will no longer be thrown when trying to get the type of the editor attribute.
- In PropertyGrid, resetting a value will now be possible when the DefaultValue attribute is used.
- In DateTimePicker, TimePicker and DateTimeUpDown, clicking the spinner buttons will now immediately update the “Value” property.
- In CollectionControlDialog, opening a 2 dimensions array will no longer cause a crash.
- In CollectionControl, a TargetParameterCountException will no longer be thrown when the ItemsSource is a Collection of Collections.
- In AvalonDock, using a style selector (property DockingManager.LayoutItemContainerStyleSelector) with the DockingManager.DocumentsSource property will now apply the desired style.
- In AvalonDock, resizing a LayoutAnchorable after a theme change will no longer cause a crash.
- In AvalonDock, using a FloatingWindow will no longer display only parts of the content.
- In CollectionControl, modifying a value in a multi-dimensional array will no longer cause a crash or resets to a value of 0.
- In CollectionControl, cancelling the edition on multi-dimensional arrays will now work by reverting the values.
Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on June 5, 2017.
52 improvements and bug fixes
- In AvalonDock, theming for Windows10 will now be possible through MergedDictionaries. (Plus Only)
- In AvalonDock, LayoutDocuments now have the possibility to be ‘pinned’ in a LayoutDocumentPane. (Plus Only)
- In Chart, the axis will now include a tick for the maximum value of a series. (Plus Only)
- In CheckCombox (themed for Windows 10), setting the IsEnabled property to false no longer causes a crash. (Plus Only)
- In ListBox, doing a large scrolling with an async data source provider, containing a CanCount property set to False, will no longer cause a crash. (Plus Only)
- In MaterialProgressBarCircular, modifying the IsIndeterminate property will now stop/play the circular animation properly. (Plus Only)
- In MultiCalendar, when used in a Grid, the calendars will now be correctly displayed. (Plus Only)
- In MultiCalendar, setting the SelectedDate to null will no longer cause a crash. (Plus Only)
- In PropertyGrid, dictionary items will now be displayed as expandable objects when setting the property IsExpandingNonPrimitiveTypes to true. (Plus Only)
- In ToggleButton themed under Windows10, the padding will now be applied. (Plus Only)
- In AvalonDock, Deserialization using a StringReader no longer throws an exception.
- In AvalonDock, when no LayoutDocumentPane is defined, auto-hiding a LayoutAnchorable no longer automatically docks it to the right.
- In AvalonDock, the NavigatorWindow now accepts the Tab key to select LayoutAnchorable or LayoutDocument items.
- In AvalonDock, using Ctrl + Tab to select a new LayoutAnchorable/LayoutDocument now properly sets the focus on the selected item.
- In AvalonDock, docking a LayoutAnchorable in a LayoutDocumentPane now shows its close button.
- In AvalonDock, the orientation of the RootPanel is now correctly set after de-serialization.
- In AvalonDock, deserializing no longer makes the LayoutDocuments icons disappear.
- In AvalonDock, serializing with hidden LayoutAnchorables no longer causes a crash.
- In AvalonDock, LayoutAnchorables no longer remain hidden after calling LayoutAnchorable.Show().
- In AvalonDock, LayoutDocumentPanes are now hidden when all its children become invisible.
- In CheckComboBox, 2 new events will now be raised (Opened/Closed) when the popup is opened/closed.
- In CheckListBox/CheckComboBox, the Command property will now be raised for every item selection/unselection, even if the item was never displayed.
- In CheckListBox/CheckComboBox, the ItemSelectionChanged event will now be raised for every item selection/unselection, even if the item was never displayed.
- In CheckComboBox and CheckListBox, a “Select All” option will now be supported.
- In CheckListBox/CheckComboBox, removing a selected item will now also remove it from the SelectedItems collection.
- In CollectionControl, the new properties PropertiesLabel and TypeSelectionLabel are now available to customize the layout labels.
- In CollectionControl, selecting a new ListBoxItem after editing a PropertyItem from the PropertyGrid will now correctly select the clicked ListBoxItem.
- In CollectionControl, the new “Duplicate” button will now be available to clone a ListBoxItem.
- In CollectionControl, when the DisplayName attribute is defined for a user object, it will now be used as the object name in the ComboBox and ListBox.
- In DataGridControl, using a filter predicate on a DataGridCollectionView will now correctly filter items.
- In DataGridControl, updating an item in code-behind will now correctly display the modification in the DataGridControl.
- In DataGridControl, DataGridVirtualizingQueryableCollectionView will no longer throw exceptions.
- In DataGridControl, using a TableView will no longer throw an exception.
- In DataGridControl, the shared theme resource dictionary uri creation will now provide the full assembly information to load the system themes.
- In DateTimeUpDown, DateTimePicker and TimePicker, incrementing or decrementing the value with the spinner buttons will now act on the selected date part.
- In NumericUpDowns, the new property MaxLength will now be available to set the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
- In PropertyGrid, numeric up down editors will now display a red border when the value cannot be converted.
- In PropertyGrid, the ItemsSourceAttributeEditor will now be disabled when the associated propertyItem is read only.
- In PropertyGrid, opening a CollectionControl editor will no longer crash when the items of the Collection contains List properties.
- In PropertyGrid, defining EditorDefnitions will now apply them to the custom editors of the CollectionControl’s PropertyGrid.
- In PropertyGrid, the Name column resizing thumb will no longer be draggable passed the PropertyGrid’s width.
- In PropertyGrid, the propertyItem’s “Reset” option will now be disabled when clicking on an advanced options icon from a propertyItem where its value is equal to its default value.
- In PropertyGrid, the “Reset” option from the advanced option icons will no longer be disabled at startup.
- In PropertyGrid, when the ShowAdvancedOptions property is true, clicking an advanced option icon to reset its associated propertyItem’s value will now reset the correct value.
- In PropertyGrid, the propertyItem’s advanced option icons will now be updated when the PropertyItem’s value is different from its default value.
- In PropertyGrid, resetting a propertyItem to its default value will now correctly update its value.
- In PropertyGrid, the new property IsScrollingToTopAfterRefresh is now available to prevent or force a scrolling to top after a refresh of the PropertyItems.
- In PropertyGrid, when the IsReadOnly property is true, the copy to the clipboard of numeric/text values will now be available.
- In PropertyGrid, when the IsReadOnly property is true, the propertyItems with a CollectionEditor will no longer get blocked from viewing their content.
- In TimelinePanel, the new property VisibleElements is now available to query the date elements in the order they appear.
- In TimeSpanUpDown, deleting a time part will no longer cause a crash.
- All the controls contained in the Nuget packages now check for a valid license key (entered manually or in registries)
We hope you love this release and decide to support the project by getting a license to Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF. -- Xceed Team