This is the API for the WikiHooku application. Refer to the WikiHooku application to know more about this project.
- To install the project dependencies run
npm install
Stored in .env
PORT - Server listening port
- 3000
ALLOW_HEADERS - CORS allow headers
- Authorization
ALLOW_ORIGINS - CORS allow origins
- development - *
- production < wikihooku client url >
EXPOSE_HEADERS - CORS expose headers
- Authorization
LOG_LEVEL - Level of traces to register
- debug
DATABASE - Name of the database
- Wikihooku
MONGODB_URI - Mongo database uri
- development mongodb://admin:[email protected]:27017/Wikihooku?authSource=admin
- production mongodb+srv://<user>:<password><database>?retryWrites=true&w=majority
SALT - SALT for password generation
- example: $2b$10$FyD8sV/mOulEuHa.In9OS.
SECRET - SECRET for password generation
- example: MyC00lS3cr3t
CONFIRMATION_URL - Url where the users confirms their account
- development http://localhost:8080/confirm
- production https://www.wikihooku/confirm
RECOVER_PASSWORD_URL - Url for the user to recover password
- development http://localhost:8080/resetpass
- production
- SMTP server (mostly for production) has precedence over Sendgrid
SMTP_SERVER - SMTP server address
FEEDBACK_EMAIL_USR - user's email address to send feedback to
FEEDBACK_EMAIL_PWD - user's password to send feedback to
REGISTRATION_EMAIL_USR - user's email address used to send registration and recover password emails
REGISTRATION_EMAIL_PWD - user's password used to send registration and recover password emails
- Sendgrid (mostly for development)
SENDGRID_API_KEY - API key created by sendgrid to enable mail sending
FEEDBACK_SENDER_EMAIL - Wikihooku Sender Feedback [email protected]
- Both
FEEDBACK_EMAIL - Wikihooku Feedback [email protected]
REGISTRATION_EMAIL - Address from the registration email is sent to the user - Wikihooku [email protected]
- Execute
npm run dev:env:start
to start mongo server locally - Execute
npm run dev:env:build
to setup the database
Remember to stop the developmet environment to avoid future weird issues
- Execute
npm run dev:env:stop
- To run the application in development mode execute
npm run dev
- To run the application in use mode execute
npm run start
To debug the application execute npm run dev:debug
To lint the project execute npm run lint
or npm run lint:fix
to autofix lints
After being a passionate of tests for years I finally decided that I like to develop applications
instead of developing applications prepared to be tested and spent more than 60% of development time
writing tests. Now I feel comfortable with a good code structure and encapsulation (I do my best)
a readable code and automatic tools like codacy which are porwerful enough to help on the
code improvment.
- You can write a million tests, at some point the application will fail for sure